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    Weekend Box Office: June 14-16

    Courtesy of Box Office Mojo:

    1.  Man of Steel - $113 million

    2.  This is the End - $20.5 million

    3.  Now You See Me - $10.3 million

    4.  Fast & Furious 6 - $9.4 million

    5.  The Purge - $8.2 million

    6.  The Internship - $7 million

    7.  Epic - $6 million

    8.  Star Trek Into Darkness - $5.6 million

    9.  After Earth - $3.7 million

    10.  Iron Man 3 - $2.9 million

    A few days ago, the fanboy community went into a collective tizzy when the Rotten Tomatoes review meter for Man of Steel landed with an unexpected thud.  They needn't have worried.  Man of Steel raced through its opening weekend faster than a speeding bullet and more powerful than a locomotive as it broke June's opening weekend box office record with a spectacular $113 million. 

    In fact, it's actually a little better than that.  Screenings of Man of Steel started on Thursday night, thanks to screenings sponsored by Walmart, which earned it about $12 million before the midnight screenings even started.  So that makes the whole weekend haul closer to $125 million.  Overseas, the film earned an additional $71 million. 

    So, Superman is doing just fine.

    Also opening this weekend was the apocalypse comedy This is the End, which earned $20.5 million.  That movie opened last Wednesday, to get at least a day in before Man of Steel, so its domestic total right now stands at an estimated $32 million.  With comedies Hangover III and The Internship already mostly forgotten about, This is the End should enjoy a successful counterprogramming run against all of the superheroes, Pixar monsters, and zombies infiltrating multiplexes for the next few weeks.

    Now You See Me is still chugging along impressively as well, holding up in third place with $10.3 million.  Not so impressive was last week's champ, The Purge, which took an awful 76% nosedive in its second weekend, earning just $8.2 million.  But it only had a reported budget of around $3 million, so after its first weekend, it doesn't really matter what it does from here.

    Next week will have monsters vs. monsters, but they're not really competing for the same audience, as one is Pixar's Monster University, and the other is Brad Pitt's troubled-but-finally-here zombie film, World War Z

    And that Superman guy will still be around.  Sound like he's going to be around for awhile this time.


    "Man Of Steel" Review

    "I will honor the man you were Zod Superman, but not the monster you have become."

    ~~Jor-El (Man Of Steel)~~

    Heralded by many to be a monster at the box office Man Of Steel is a tale of two different movies. The first being an angst filled drama about a boy who doesn't quite fit in and develops into a man who still can't seem to find his place in the world. The second a building toppling, missile firing, superpowered alien boxing match, of which almost completely destroys Smallville and the city of Metropolis without any remorse for human collateral damage.

    The film opens on the still doomed sci-fi/medieval mashup of Krypton, think Star Wars with a pinch of Avatar, where we witness the birth of Kal-El. The visuals are more than impressive but the flying dragons and butler robots are a tad askew. As Krypton is falling around them Zod, Faora, and their minions fail miserably at a strangely timed attempted coup and are swiftly jettisoned to the Phantom Zone.  The  naturally birthed and therefore illegal infant Kal-El is shipped away along with a skull stolen by Jor-El, which is generically called "The Codex.

    Cut to 33-year-old Kal-El a.k.a. Clark Kent as he struggles with odd jobs as a fisherman and bartender. The "Super Nomad" stills finds time to engage in some Superdickery with a logger's truck, save a group of men from a burning oil rig, and steal somebody's clothes. Between flashbacks of Pa Kent insisting his son hide his powers from mankind, Clark stumbles upon a Kryptonian scout ship and intrepid reporter Lois Lane. The ship contains the secrets to his origins and somehow when unlocked, the consciousness of his Kryptonian father who implores him to "keep testing your limits."

    Henry Cavill always looked the part and he certainly has his moments as both Superman and Clark Kent, but it's hard to stand out on screen amongst such a well versed cast. Cavill spends some touching moments basking in the Kansas sun with Ma Kent, played wistfully by Diane Lane. However, he takes on the role of spectator while being lectured by veteran thespian Russell Crowe as Jor-El.

    Henry really fills out the new stylized suit, he's the most powerful and macho version of Superman yet and once he puts on said suit, he owns it. Superman understanding that America looks at him as a threat allows himself to be handcuffed and interrogated by the feisty Lois Lane. It's a well done modernization of the Lois & Superman rooftop interviews. Superman eventually busts out of the cuffs and tells military personnel behind two way glass that "You're scared of me because you can't control me, but that doesn't mean I'm your enemy." He's not. Zod is, and he's on his way.

    Amy Adams is refreshing as Lois Lane, we're finally treated to a version of Lois straight out of the pages of the comics. Searching the country for the next big story she can relate to the wandering lifestyle of Clark and the chemistry between Cavill and Adams is evident. Kevin Costner steals every scene he is in providing fatherly advice to young Clark incessantly reminding him "he's going to change the world." You hope for more of Pa Kent and wish that one of the many changes to the mythos applied to the character.

    Michael Shannon is at his best as the villainous Zod and overcomes yet another comic book movie featuring a far fetched plan. The Kryptonian general ends up deciding to create New Kyrpton on earth when all else fails to execute his original plan. Hello Superman Returns. Antje Traue is divine as Zod's loyal and lethal sidekick Faora telling Superman, “For every human you save, we will kill a million more." She executes this promise as thousands upon thousands of citizens in Metropolis are mowed down by falling buildings and gravity machine induced flying cars. The problem is, Superman doesn't really seem to notice.

    The theme concocted by David Goyer, when he was supposed to be fighting writer's block on The Dark Knight Rises, involves how the world would really deal with an alien on earth in a post 9/11 world. The answer is he would be considered a threat. As the under utilized Laurence Fishburne playing a gruff but suave version of Perry White says, "Imagine how our world would react if they came face to face with this." Chris Meloni as Colonel Hardy has to learn to work with Superman in order to save the world and Superman fighting in tandem with military is truly one of the highlights of the film.

    Zach Snyder has delivered a film that breaks the sound barrier with action but combined with David Goyer's script, faces incredible pacing issues. The flashbacks although memorable, a young Clark seeing inside the bodies of his classmates and teachers frightening him into a closet, they stunt the growth of the film. Leaving the emotional story arc behind, the last hour of the film is a visceral experience never  before seen in a Superman film. The action is monstrous and in your face, everything Superman fans and the general public have wanted to see from the Last Son Of Krypton.  If you want to see Superman punching things, you won't be disappointed in the action packed Man Of Steel. If you were hoping this was on par with the Batman Trilogy because Christopher Nolan's name is on the print you just might be.


    The Wolverine Recommends Adamantium Gum

    Natually, chewing on unbreakable adamantium would be a terrible thing to do to your teeth.  But when it's adamantium-flavored gum, it's an entirely different matter.  Or maybe it isn' we really want to know what Wolverine's bones taste like? 

    Regardless, Wrigley's 5 Gum has a new adamantium-themed edition coming out to promote The Wolverine, which opens in theaters next month.  Check out this new TV spot that's currently airing in the U.K.:

    If adamantium gum isn't your thing, then check out your local Red Robin back stateside, where they are currently serving - I kid you not - a Beserker Burger

    At least we'll all be well-fed by the time this movie opens.


    Trailer for 300: RISE OF AN EMPIRE Is Everything You'd Expect It To Be.


    The trailer for Legendary's follow-up to 2006's 300, 300: Rise of An Empire, was supposed to head to theaters  August 2 of this summer; but has since been pushed back to March 7, 2014.

    Directed by Smart People's Noam Morro and produced by Zack Snyder, 300: Rise of an Empire looks like a gorgeous spectacle of action and imagery; with some females thrown into the mix to counter-act the muscle dripping wet homo-eroticism of the original. 

    Based on Frank Miller's latest graphic novel Xerxes and told in the breathtaking visual style of the blockbuster "300," this new chapter of the epic saga takes the action to a fresh battlefield--on the sea--as Greek general Themistokles (Sullivan Stapleton)attempts to unite all of Greece by leading the charge that will change the course of the war. "300: Rise of an Empire" pits Themistokles against the massive invading Persian forces led by mortal-turned-god Xerxes (Rodrigo Santoro), and Artemesia (Eva Green), vengeful commander of the Persian navy


    New TV Spot for PACIFIC RIM Confirms Dubstep; Underwater Robots; Yelling

    The latest TV spot for WB and Legendary's Neon Genesis Evangelion Pacific Rim was posted via the Pacific Rim Official Facebook Page, and it gives us a quick look at the hectic robot on monster action, as well as some neon color and a lot of yelling.

    Guillermo Del Toro seems to know what he's doing, now the only question is: Will the audiences want it?

    When legions of monstrous creatures, known as Kaiju, started rising from the sea, a war began that would take millions of lives and consume humanitys resources for years on end. To combat the giant Kaiju, a special type of weapon was devised: massive robots, called Jaegers, which are controlled simultaneously by two pilots whose minds are locked in a neural bridge. But even the Jaegers are proving nearly defenseless in the face of the relentless Kaiju. On the verge of defeat, the forces defending mankind have no choice but to turn to two unlikely heroes-a washed up former pilot (Charlie Hunnam) and an untested trainee (Rinko Kikuchi)-who are teamed to drive a legendary but seemingly obsolete Jaeger from the past. Together, they stand as mankinds last hope against the mounting apocalypse.


    New International Trailer for MAN OF TAI CHI Starring Keanu Reeves. Woah.

    It's been too long since Johnny Utah used martial arts to kick the shit out of dudes for our viewing pleasure and money. 

    Well, Universal has decided we've had enough waiting and released this new international trailer for Man of Tai Chi, and while Keanu Reeves takes a back-seat in this to play a "Mortal Kombat" version of Jigsaw from the SAW franchise, it still might be pretty cool. Reeves also makes his directorial debut with this film, so who knows, maybe we'll see more of him?

    In the midst of Beijing’s urban bustle, ambitious young ‘Tiger’ Chen Lin-Hu (Tiger Chen) works as a lowly courier; but after work, he is a young martial arts star, rising through the ranks representing the Ling Kong Tai Chi tradition.

    He has crafted the stealthy, peaceful movements of Tai Chi and sculpted them to suit martial arts’ competitive fighting world. Jumping to another central city of pandemonium and chaos, Donaka Mark (Keanu Reeves) is evading the police in Hong Kong while running an underground fight club where cold hard cash is made by defeating one’s opponent in a no-holds barred fight privately broadcast to wealthy patrons.

    Looking for a new ‘star’, Donaka tries to lure Tiger with the promise of easy money. Entrance into this world brings out the darkest side of Chen Lin-Hu, but he needs the cash. His skill saves him in the ring but can he fight and maintain his integrity and good nature?


    The Wolverine International Trailer

    How was this not the first trailer for The Wolverine?  Instead of focusing on bullet trains and Jean Grey cameos, this new trailer, courtesy of our friends at, is impressively badass, with Wolverine wielding a sword and pissing off ninjas.  Not only that, it looks like it even has a plot and dialogue that won't make us cringe.  Yay!

    The first of the TV spots reportedly turned up during the NBA Playoffs last night, so it looks like they're finally (hopefully) starting to actively promote this one.  With Man of Steel hitting theaters this weekend, it's the last comic book movie of the summer, so it's definitely time.

    The Wolverine opens in theaters on July 26.


    Jon Chu to Yell "YO JOE!" Again

    G.I. Joe: Retaliation was terrible.

    Not in a "Made for 10 year olds" kind of terrible, which one can excuse and still find charmingly entertainment. That's G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra. No, terrible. As in "Shouting out loud in the theater 'Who made this crap?'" terrible.

    But it made money, or more likely, Paramount needs inventory to fill release slots. G.I. Joe 3, it is, and its controversial director Jon Chu will return.

    "Controversial" I mean the Internet decided he sucked before shooting a frame of film thanks to his Justin Bieber connection. When initial footage suggested he wasn't a fluke, they pretended they always loved him. And then it opened and everyone went back to their Chu hatred. The Internet is a sad, funny bunch.

    Widely reported the studio mandated reshoots, 3D post-conversion and zero hour shift from June 2012 to March 2013 didn't sit well with Chu, and yeah to be fair, he did his best to put a good face on a bad situation. Guess I'm surprised he's game for more.

    While Paramount waits to announce the writer, please enjoy the infamous Fenslerfilm dubs for the old animated PSAs.


    The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug Trailer

    Here is the first trailer for The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug.

    The scope is broader, the set-pieces bigger, the cast expanding including the returning Orlando Bloom and Evangeline Lilly. It feels like an improvement is in order from the disappointment of last Christmas' baggy An Unexpected Journey. Hopefully Peter Jackson doesn't let us down, again.

    Yeah, yeah, you’re thinking. What we're all waiting is a full glimpse of the titular dragon. Good news is you get it. The bad news is... well... it looks like any other CG dragon.


    Hello, Man of Steel Sequel Scoop We First Reported in February

    Tracking is strong, buzz building, reviews generally good (creeping closer to mixed) Warner Brothers believes this is the time for Superman to be cool again, for the first time since 1981.

    So after all the rampant talk of how the studio would postpone any follow-up to have Justice League out first and by 2015 (dumb and illogical as it all was), the answer us with common sense knew was coming has arrived. The Man of Steel is getting that sequel first. Assuming grosses speed faster than a speeding bullet to $100 million this weekend… or around that area.

    David Goyer is staying put in Metropolis. You only heard us report that back in February first; not TOLDJA's fat ass yesterday. Zack Snyder is too. As a matter of fact, heard last week Snyder was so locked, he was taking no break. Once all the press tours are over and it is out everywhere (which should be in a few more weeks), he's going straight into pre-production on... whatever they call the sequel. That means Henry Cavill will be back in the red-and-blue suit by next spring, after he shoots Man From U.N.C.L.E. this fall and enjoys Christmas/New Year's off. Justice League is somewhere in that mix. Goyer's deal involves two Superman movies and that.

    HitFix's Drew McWeeny recently remarked how four different filmmakers had seen The Man of Steel and wanted Snyder to move on so they could get their hands on that cast and that universe.

    Don't care who said directors were. Where were they in 2010 when the property was in need of their talent? Snyder and Goyer took the risk of reinventing Superman for the big screen. They deserve to reap the rewards of their work and those other filmmakers can go fuck off. If you ask me.