Hello, Man of Steel Sequel Scoop We First Reported in February

Tracking is strong, buzz building, reviews generally good (creeping closer to mixed) Warner Brothers believes this is the time for Superman to be cool again, for the first time since 1981.
So after all the rampant talk of how the studio would postpone any follow-up to have Justice League out first and by 2015 (dumb and illogical as it all was), the answer us with common sense knew was coming has arrived. The Man of Steel is getting that sequel first. Assuming grosses speed faster than a speeding bullet to $100 million this weekend… or around that area.
David Goyer is staying put in Metropolis. You only heard us report that back in February first; not TOLDJA's fat ass yesterday. Zack Snyder is too. As a matter of fact, heard last week Snyder was so locked, he was taking no break. Once all the press tours are over and it is out everywhere (which should be in a few more weeks), he's going straight into pre-production on... whatever they call the sequel. That means Henry Cavill will be back in the red-and-blue suit by next spring, after he shoots Man From U.N.C.L.E. this fall and enjoys Christmas/New Year's off. Justice League is somewhere in that mix. Goyer's deal involves two Superman movies and that.
HitFix's Drew McWeeny recently remarked how four different filmmakers had seen The Man of Steel and wanted Snyder to move on so they could get their hands on that cast and that universe.
Don't care who said directors were. Where were they in 2010 when the property was in need of their talent? Snyder and Goyer took the risk of reinventing Superman for the big screen. They deserve to reap the rewards of their work and those other filmmakers can go fuck off. If you ask me.
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