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    The Wolverine Recommends Adamantium Gum

    Natually, chewing on unbreakable adamantium would be a terrible thing to do to your teeth.  But when it's adamantium-flavored gum, it's an entirely different matter.  Or maybe it isn' we really want to know what Wolverine's bones taste like? 

    Regardless, Wrigley's 5 Gum has a new adamantium-themed edition coming out to promote The Wolverine, which opens in theaters next month.  Check out this new TV spot that's currently airing in the U.K.:

    If adamantium gum isn't your thing, then check out your local Red Robin back stateside, where they are currently serving - I kid you not - a Beserker Burger

    At least we'll all be well-fed by the time this movie opens.

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