Kiefer Sutherland to Voice Snake in "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain"

Kiefer Sutherland, best known as Jack Baur on Fox's "24" will be the voice of Snake in "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain", as announced during today's Konami Pre-E3 Conference.
“This time, with Metal Gear Solid V, the themes are a little different from previous games in the series,” said series creator Hideo Kojima said in the pre-recorded video, “We’re taking on some very heavy subjects such as race and revenge. I wanted Snake to have a more subdued performance, expressed through subtle facial movements and tone of voice rather than words.”
This news comes as a shock to most Metal Gear Solid fans, who have been in adament support of long-time MGS voice actor David Hayter since his role as Snake was called into question months back, with online petitions clamoring to bring Hayter back.
“Furthermore,” Kojima said, “the game takes place in 1984, when Snake is 49 years old. Therefore, we needed someone who could genuinely convey the facial and vocal qualities of a man in his late 40′s.”
Thanks to Wired for the direct quotes and screen-grab.
It's also worth noting that the credits and video refer to Kiefer as "Snake" and not as "Big Boss", the character's moniker as of the end of "Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker".
MGS creator Hideo Kojima is known for his ruses and distractions, like when players believed they would play as Solid Snake is 2001's "Metal Gear Solid 2: The Sons of Liberty", and instead found themselves as Raiden.
Is this all just an elaborate trick? Only time will tell.