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    Kiefer Sutherland to Voice Snake in "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain"

    Kiefer Sutherland, best known as Jack Baur on Fox's "24" will be the voice of Snake in "Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain", as announced during today's Konami Pre-E3 Conference. 

    “This time, with Metal Gear Solid V, the themes are a little different from previous games in the series,” said series creator Hideo Kojima said in the pre-recorded video, “We’re taking on some very heavy subjects such as race and revenge. I wanted Snake to have a more subdued performance, expressed through subtle facial movements and tone of voice rather than words.”

    This news comes as a shock to most Metal Gear Solid fans, who have been in adament support of long-time MGS voice actor David Hayter since his role as Snake was called into question months back, with online petitions clamoring to bring Hayter back.

    “Furthermore,” Kojima said, “the game takes place in 1984, when Snake is 49 years old. Therefore, we needed someone who could genuinely convey the facial and vocal qualities of a man in his late 40′s.”

    Thanks to Wired for the direct quotes and screen-grab. 

    It's also worth noting that the credits and video refer to Kiefer as "Snake" and not as "Big Boss", the character's moniker as of the end of "Metal Gear Solid: Peace Walker".
    MGS creator Hideo Kojima is known for his ruses and distractions, like when players believed they would play as Solid Snake is 2001's "Metal Gear Solid 2: The Sons of Liberty", and instead found themselves as Raiden.

    Is this all just an elaborate trick? Only time will tell.  


    First Trailer for INSIDIOUS CHAPTER 2 Has Your Baby

    In 2011, the horror team behind Saw and Paranormal Activity brought the critically well-received and financially successful haunting film INSIDIOUS to theaters, and like most horror films, it ended on a major cliff-hanger.

    Unlike most horror films, however, the sequel retains all of the cast from the first one, the director, and continues the story of the Lambert family almost immediately after the events of the first film.

    The Facebook page for INSIDIOUS posted the first trailer for the James Wan directed INSIDIOUS Chapter 2 and it looks like a worthy successor that's sure to chill and thril.

    The haunted Lambert family seeks to uncover the mysterious childhood secret that has left them dangerously connected to the spirit world.

    Patrick Wilson, Rose Byrne, Lin Shaye, Ty Simpkins, Barbara Hershey, Leigh Whannell, Angus Sampson, Andrew Astor, Jocelin Donahue, Danielle Bisutti, and Lindsay Seim star; the film makes it's way into theaters September 13. 


    Stephen Colbert Is Outraged By Superman's Lack of Underwear

    Host of The Colbert Report and noted geek Stephen Colbert interrupted his opening segment last night to take Superman to task for the apparent lack of underwear on his new Man of Steel costume.

    And yes, it's a joke.  Colbert is a superfan himself - his set includes a Captain America shield that was given to him by Marvel, and his studio audiences are encouraged to ask Lord of the Rings questions during his pre-show warming (and good luck trying to beat him at that). 

    So he's as psyched for Man of Steel as the rest of us, and hilariously so:


    New Man of Steel Trailer From Nokia

    A week from tonight, Man of Steel will be in theaters. If all goes according to plan, and the increasingly positive buzz from screenings, the world will be hot for Superman again and Henry Cavill will forever lose his anonymity.

    But because they are the superstitious type, Warner Brothers has released one final trailer sponsored by Nokia. They did the exact same thing last year with The Dark Knight Rises and that did $448 million. Until the Christopher Nolan strategy fails, the studio will stay loyal to the faith.

    What little dialogue focuses on Jor-El (Russell Crowe) voice-over and primarily Hans Zimmer's score. It echoes the mantra of the last trailer. Action! Action! And more action!


    Magneto's A Big Guy For You In DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Pic


    Bryan Singer, the light of our lives, has tweeted a picture of Michael Fassbender from the set of the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past with the caption "the dark knight rises", which I hope is not an indication on the quality of this film.


    X-Men: Days of Future Past is directed by Bryan Singer, and comes out July 18, 2014 and stars James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence, Ian McKellan, Hugh Jackman, Anna Paquin, Ellen Page, Omar Sy, Daniel Cudmore, Booboo Stewart, Fan Bingbing, and Halle Berry

    The X-Men must travel in time to change a major historical event that could globally impact man and mutant kind.


    Welcome to a Year Ago - Evangeline Lilly in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug

    The term "Exclusive" has the same value for us online pundits as used toilet paper. Even time-stamps get doctored so assholes can claim they "told you" something first.

    One Ring gave us the legitimate First Look at Evangeline Lilly in The Hobbit: The Desolation of Smaug. A year ago. It wasn't studio-sanctioned. Came directly from the artwork from her action-figure display (Roll your sleeves up journalism!) But they got it out first. We know how Lilly looks in the Hobbit follow-ups.

    Only EW is here to say, "Oh no. You. DIDN'T!" Here is the spruced-up gander at the Jackson/Walsh/Boyens concoction Tauriel, the elf warrior princess.

    The picture itself is exclusive, yes, but far from "First Look."


    What Did Warner Brothers Give Up to Keep Playing with Christopher Nolan?

    How much does Warner Brothers love Chris Nolan?

    They're handing their shares of both Friday the 13th and South Park Paramount's way. All so they can play in the same sandbox as their golden goose for his latest. The Dark Knight Trilogy helmer has yet to let them down financially. Remember, even his pet project Inception (classic "Do Whatever You Want With Our Blank Check" scenario) became the zeitgeist smash of 2010.

    No reason why Interstellar won't continue that trend and WB, wisely, wants in. So Paramount gets Jason Voorhees and the foul-mouthed boys from Colorado back on home turf, along with the chance to co-finance one of their properties. To be determined, but my first thoughts go to something DC related.

    Is this a good deal for Paramount? Hard to tell; a future South Park movie depends on Trey Parker and Matt Stone's willingness and they seem content, albeit stressed if you listen to their mini-commentaries, keeping it to television. Another Friday the 13th is inevitable. Always gonna be an audience for cheap slasher fare (Everyone wants to their date Friday night in the hopes of getting laid). But that Platinum Dunes-produced remake was pretty reviled. Not sure another one is in anyone's future.

    Then again, this is Paramount we're talking about. They lost Marvel and DreamWorks and are depending on television-turned-film properties in worn condition like Mission: Impossible and Star Trek. And God help them if Disney steps in and buys Hasbro. They can't

    Source: THR


    The To Do List Red Band Trailer

    Time honored a summer tradition as the sex comedy is, why did it take Bridesmaids to breakthrough to women? Simple, they figured out women could be as dumb, filthy-minded and immature as men (Well us guys are worse). Far from a revelation to us in real life, but on the big screen, it's not subject matter touched upon often.

    That scored big two years ago and, for a few brief moments, female-driven sex comedies are in.

    Enter The To Do List, a 90s-set romp led by the likeable Aubrey Plaza, playing against her dead-pan persona honed so skillfully every week on Parks & Recreation. It is the crucial time between high-school graduation and heading off to college, and given the genre, this is all about the lead's attempt at losing her virginity before summer's end. The cast alone is a mint in comic talent.

    Check out the red-band trailer below:


    Six New TV Spots For "Despicable Me 2"

    Our very own Jamie Williams insists that Despicable Me 2 is going to win the Summer, he's been saying it for months and months and is holding his ground. The movie is going to make major bank but I think Iron Man 3 with a 385 Million + take through Monday, has the summer crown ironed out.

    I will say that Despicable Me 2 is going to put a hurting on Monster's University at the box office, not to say that Monsters University is going to flop. The marketing for MU has been absolutely fantastic it's just not Despicable Me 2, check out the first six TV spots for the animated feature below.


    "The Butler" Still Looks Like A Parody Despite This Decent Poster

    I know The Butler is getting some decent buzz and is being considered a big pile of stinking Oscar bait but when I saw John Cusack as Richard Nixon, I couldn't help but chuckle. It's not even close guys, if the casting is that distracting how am I going to pay attention to the performance?

    Maybe I am jumping the gun and Cusack is either irrelevant to the story or his screen time is slight, but I couldn't get past it in the trailer. Some of the other members of the cast look like they are playing dress up, Jane Fonda as Nancy Regan? Looks like a Saturday Night Live parody.

    To be fair, it can't all be bad. Alan Rickman looks hauntingly like former President Ronald Regan and James Marsden will probably kill it as JFK. I hope all my presumptuous bitching and moaning based off a trailer is just that and Forest Whitaker owns it shutting me up in the proces. New Poster below.

    The August 16 release tells the story of a White House butler (Whitaker) who served eight American presidents over three decades. The film traces the dramatic changes that swept American society during this time, from the civil rights movement to Vietnam and beyond, and how those changes affected this man’s life and family.