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    Pixels is Finally Getting Made!

    Tired of sequels? Moan at remakes of 30 year old TV shows your uncle Rick used to make you watch? Does that gag relax kick in every time a horse's ass of an executive names-drops "Reboot" to look like a big shot to Nikki Finke? Does The Wrap have good news for you!

    Pixels is finally happening. That was the brilliant short-film by Patrick Jean, where 8-bit arcade creations from the 1980s come to life and cause destruction in New York City. Sony and Happy Madison wisely lapped up the option hoping to make it a key summer tentpole.

    And they have settled on Chris Columbus to direct. Before the Internet goes into a tizzy, were it not for Columbus and his eye for casting, and setting the proper tone and style, the Harry Potter films wouldn't be what they are. He also penned several of our favorite childhood 80s adventure films including Gremlins and The Goonies.

    Not exaggerating when I say this could do to this generation of kids, including my nieces and nephew, what Ghostbusters was to ours. It's that cool of an idea. Check out the original short-film below, while you can.


    Monsters University - Final Trailer

    Ever since college-bound Mike Wazowski (voice of Billy Crystal) was a little monster, he has dreamed of becoming a Scarer—and he knows better than anyone that the best Scarers come from Monsters University (MU). But during his first semester at MU, Mike's plans are derailed when he crosses paths with hotshot James P. Sullivan, "Sulley" (voice of John Goodman), a natural-born Scarer. The pair's out-of-control competitive spirit gets them both kicked out of the University's elite Scare Program. To make matters worse, they realize they will have to work together, along with an odd bunch of misfit monsters, if they ever hope to make things right.


    "Machete Kills" Trailer With Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez & Sofia Vergara

    Trejo returns as ex-Federale agent Machete, who is recruited by the President of the United States for a mission which would be impossible for any mortal man - he must take down a madman revolutionary and an eccentric billionaire arms dealer who has hatched a plan to spread war and anarchy across the planet.



    "Man Of Steel" Featurette - "A More Realistic Superman"

    Hard to believe that Man Of Steel is coming out two weeks from tomorrow. The long wait seems to have flown by for many eager fans. In the next couple weeks the marketing for this film is going to be in your face. A Multitude of TV Spots flying into your living room. Interviews on late night television and day time talk shows. Home stretch.

    Below is part of the ferocious marketing blitz. A new featurette from Man Of Steel sponsored by Sears featuring new footage.

    In the Zack Snyder-directed June 14 release, a young boy learns that he has extraordinary powers and is not of this Earth. As a young man, he journeys to discover where he came from and what he was sent here to do. But the hero in him must emerge if he is to save the world from annihilation and become the symbol of hope for all mankind.



    Grumpy Cat is Getting a Movie or Go to Hell Hollywood

    Hollywood is developing a film based on an Internet Meme. You know, those pictures with amusing captions that fat chick Lillian in accounting puts on the Office refrigerator. Everyone glances for a second and gives that quasi-sincere half-smile. "Oh isn't that cute," Tracey, the guy who laps up all the coffee, says. But he's really thinking, "Christ, Lil. This is why you're single!"

    Yes, this may be a multi-million dollar production and it’s based on Grumpy Cat, the most recent Memo to gain infamy

    Hey, it's showbiz. When there is a well to tap, they'll go for it, and strangely, this Meme is a goldmine. Merchandise galore at Wal-Mart and Hot Topic. Haven't been to the latter in years, I confess. Not in the mood to see douchey teenagers wearing Grumpy Cats tee-shirts "ironically." MSNBC named Grumpy Cat the most influential cat last year, and that is why that network shits the bed in reporting and viewership, and has showed up on all those morning talk shows your mom watches and forwards you the video.

    The pitch is, get this, the cat talks and she's grumpy! Will Ferrell and Jack Black are attached with the project set up at New Line.

    Your kids will scream and holler to see this opening weekend. Hollywood, at least make it worth our wild. Cast Alison Brie as Grumpy Cat. She's too damn good to piss her talent on cult comedy shows nobody watches and gifs few will see outside of smelly guys on forums.


    Will Henry Cavill Go From Man Of Steel To Man From U.N.C.L.E.

    Not bad for a guy deemed by yours truly as the "Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride" of franchises years back.

    Life changed for Henry Cavill the moment he got the phone call confirming he would play the newest cinematic incarnation of Superman. The rest of your professional career, let alone life, boils down to how you come across in a red-and-blue suit and convincingly say phrases like, "I stand for truth, justice and the American way."

    As the Superman revival hits theaters in three short weeks and the buzz builds (Current tracking numbers say a $100 million opening is in the cards), another important move for the British thespian. Where do you go from there?

    The Wrap reports Cavill is in talks to co-star in Man From U.N.C.L.E. a week following the exit of Tom Cruise. Armie Hammer co-stars and Guy Ritchie will direct.

    Can't say I'm surprised. I wasn't being a smart-ass when I said it would happen, for once. On paper, it’s all there. Grab him while he's still relatively cheap before his stock rises. Gives him something to do this fall, when filming is scheduled, that is as far away from Superman as possible and then he can get to work on the Man of Steel sequel by next spring. And Warner Brothers can keep their prized procession in studio.

    Everyone is happy.


    Eon Sticking With Classy Directors For Next Bond

    The Broccolis control the pie, but it takes a director to precisely cut the pieces in the right portions. No, James Bond is not a director, or even actor, focused property. Achieving their status as the most successful series in film history means Eon Productions sticking to a rigid formula that rarely goes off plan.

    So when they went Outside the Box the last two times in Marc Forster and especially Sam Mendes, they were rewarded handsomely at the box-office. And they would like to keep that up. A few weeks back came reports they had taken meetings with Christopher Nolan. Unlikely as it was, it meant they were serious about keeping quality directors.

    And of course, it doesn't end with Nolan. First Showing says Nicolas Winding Refn is one such contender (They cornered him at Canne and, of course, he didn't confirm shit). Variety has even more to the pack: Shane Black, Ang Lee, Tom Hooper and David Yates.

    A choice isn't expected anytime soon. At least not until after all the I's are dotted and T's crossed for Daniel Craig's deal (He's set for two more) and since Craig was instrumental in getting Forster and Mendes hired, he will likely have a key vote here too.

    They're all fine choices. Yates strikes as the safest of safe choices (Years on Harry Potter talking), Refn as the most radical and Hooper was someone I was personally championing, though if it is The King's Speech helmer's gig expected lungs to be shitted out and Dutch angle jokes galore.


    X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Pic Shows TRASK Industries, Obviously.

    As almost every other story about the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past begins, this is from a photo that tweet-happy Bryan Singer posted of an extra dressed in a TRASK Industries jumpsuit getting some food in-between takes of Hugh Jackman being shirtless and the CGI Team trying to edit out Fassbender's 3rd leg from beneath his tight spandex suit. 

    "But why should I care?" You may ask. Well, Bryan Singer also tweeted a few days ago a picture of him and Tyrion Lannister from HBO's "Game of Thrones" on a plane, reading the script.

    This photo has lead many to believe Dinklage will be portraying Peter Trask as the film's main villian, thanks to MoviePilot (which points out this all comes down to the facial hair.

    Trask is a well known force in the universe, as he's the man who creates the Mutant-hunting Sentinels, which are a huge part in the "Days of Future Past" story, and will lend to the Holocaust allegory that was foreshadowed by Magneto in 2011's X-Men: First Class.


    Four New "World War Z" Banners

    Based on Max Brooks' best-selling novel "World War Z: An Oral History of the Zombie War," the story revolves around United Nations employee Gerry Lane (Pitt), who traverses the world in a race against time to stop the Zombie pandemic that is toppling armies and governments and threatening to decimate humanity itself. 



    New Grafitti "Kick-Ass 2" Banner

    After Kick-Ass' (Aaron Taylor-Johnson) insane bravery inspires a new wave of self-made masked crusaders, led by the badass Colonel Stars and Stripes (Jim Carrey), our hero joins them on patrol. When these amateur superheroes are hunted down by Red Mist (Christopher Mintz-Plasse)—reborn as The Mother F%&*^r—only the blade-wielding Hit Girl (Chloë Grace Moretz) can prevent their annihilation.