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    Will Henry Cavill Go From Man Of Steel To Man From U.N.C.L.E.

    Not bad for a guy deemed by yours truly as the "Always a Bridesmaid, Never a Bride" of franchises years back.

    Life changed for Henry Cavill the moment he got the phone call confirming he would play the newest cinematic incarnation of Superman. The rest of your professional career, let alone life, boils down to how you come across in a red-and-blue suit and convincingly say phrases like, "I stand for truth, justice and the American way."

    As the Superman revival hits theaters in three short weeks and the buzz builds (Current tracking numbers say a $100 million opening is in the cards), another important move for the British thespian. Where do you go from there?

    The Wrap reports Cavill is in talks to co-star in Man From U.N.C.L.E. a week following the exit of Tom Cruise. Armie Hammer co-stars and Guy Ritchie will direct.

    Can't say I'm surprised. I wasn't being a smart-ass when I said it would happen, for once. On paper, it’s all there. Grab him while he's still relatively cheap before his stock rises. Gives him something to do this fall, when filming is scheduled, that is as far away from Superman as possible and then he can get to work on the Man of Steel sequel by next spring. And Warner Brothers can keep their prized procession in studio.

    Everyone is happy.

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