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    Eon Sticking With Classy Directors For Next Bond

    The Broccolis control the pie, but it takes a director to precisely cut the pieces in the right portions. No, James Bond is not a director, or even actor, focused property. Achieving their status as the most successful series in film history means Eon Productions sticking to a rigid formula that rarely goes off plan.

    So when they went Outside the Box the last two times in Marc Forster and especially Sam Mendes, they were rewarded handsomely at the box-office. And they would like to keep that up. A few weeks back came reports they had taken meetings with Christopher Nolan. Unlikely as it was, it meant they were serious about keeping quality directors.

    And of course, it doesn't end with Nolan. First Showing says Nicolas Winding Refn is one such contender (They cornered him at Canne and, of course, he didn't confirm shit). Variety has even more to the pack: Shane Black, Ang Lee, Tom Hooper and David Yates.

    A choice isn't expected anytime soon. At least not until after all the I's are dotted and T's crossed for Daniel Craig's deal (He's set for two more) and since Craig was instrumental in getting Forster and Mendes hired, he will likely have a key vote here too.

    They're all fine choices. Yates strikes as the safest of safe choices (Years on Harry Potter talking), Refn as the most radical and Hooper was someone I was personally championing, though if it is The King's Speech helmer's gig expected lungs to be shitted out and Dutch angle jokes galore.

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