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    What Did Warner Brothers Give Up to Keep Playing with Christopher Nolan?

    How much does Warner Brothers love Chris Nolan?

    They're handing their shares of both Friday the 13th and South Park Paramount's way. All so they can play in the same sandbox as their golden goose for his latest. The Dark Knight Trilogy helmer has yet to let them down financially. Remember, even his pet project Inception (classic "Do Whatever You Want With Our Blank Check" scenario) became the zeitgeist smash of 2010.

    No reason why Interstellar won't continue that trend and WB, wisely, wants in. So Paramount gets Jason Voorhees and the foul-mouthed boys from Colorado back on home turf, along with the chance to co-finance one of their properties. To be determined, but my first thoughts go to something DC related.

    Is this a good deal for Paramount? Hard to tell; a future South Park movie depends on Trey Parker and Matt Stone's willingness and they seem content, albeit stressed if you listen to their mini-commentaries, keeping it to television. Another Friday the 13th is inevitable. Always gonna be an audience for cheap slasher fare (Everyone wants to their date Friday night in the hopes of getting laid). But that Platinum Dunes-produced remake was pretty reviled. Not sure another one is in anyone's future.

    Then again, this is Paramount we're talking about. They lost Marvel and DreamWorks and are depending on television-turned-film properties in worn condition like Mission: Impossible and Star Trek. And God help them if Disney steps in and buys Hasbro. They can't

    Source: THR

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