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    Peter Wont Be Hitting The Jackpot in AMAZING SPIDER-MAN 2; MJ Cut from Film

    From CBM, In an interview with Entertainment Weekly for her upcoming Twilight film, Divergent, actress Shailene Woodley revealed that her scenes, which had been filmed way back in the Fall, were cut from Marc Webb's The Amazing Spider-Man 2 in favor of saving MJ for The Amazing Spider-Man 3.

    "Of course I’m bummed. But I am a firm believer in everything happening for a specific reason…Based on the proposed plot, I completely understand the need for holding off on introducing [Mary Jane] until the next film."

    Well. I can ONLY imagine what they're trying to put all the time into with TASM 2. Could it be a certain death?

    That being said, I'm both glad and upset by this. The film is shaping up to have a plethora of characters; and MJ would be one more fresh-face to explain.

    On the other hand, it'd be nice seeing this girl before things go south for Peter and he latches to MJ as an emotional crutch in The Amazing Spider-Man 3.

    TASM 2 hits May 2, 2014, with TASM 3 on June 10, 2016.

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