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    Comic Con 2013: "Man Of Steel 2" Featuring Batman Soars Summer 2015 

    On the heels of the worldwide success of Man of Steel, director Zack Snyder is bringing together the two greatest Super Heroes of all time —Batman and Superman —for the first time on the big screen. The announcement was made today by Greg Silverman, President, Creative Development and Worldwide Production, and Sue Kroll, President, Worldwide Marketing and International Distribution,Warner Bros. Pictures.

    The current hit, Man of Steel, has taken in more than $630 million at the worldwide box office to date, and climbing. Along with its star, Henry Cavill, the upcoming film brings back Amy Adams, Laurence Fishburne and Diane Lane. The new Batman has yet to be cast.

    Snyder is co-writing the story with David S. Goyer, who will then pen the screenplay. Production is expected to begin in 2014, with an anticipated release date in Summer 2015.

    Silverman stated, “Zack Snyder is an incredibly talented filmmaker, but beyond that, he’s a fan first and he utterly gets this genre. We could not think of anyone better suited to the task of bringing these iconic Super Heroes to the screen in his own way.” Kroll added, “We are thrilled to be back in business with Zack and his team on this next movie. The success of ‘Man of Steel’ is a wonderful testament to the love and support that both fans and new audiences, worldwide, have for these characters. We are very excited to see what Zack has in store for all of us.” Diane Nelson, President, DC Entertainment, noted,“Superman and Batman together on the big screen is a dream come true for DC fans everywhere. All of us at DC Entertainment could not be more excited for Zack’s continuing vision for the DC Universe.”

    Zack Snyder, who made a surprise appearance at Comic-Con today, breaking the news to audiences there, later said, “I’m so excited to begin working again with Henry Cavill in the world we created, and I can’t wait to expand the DC Universe in this next chapter. Let’s face it, it’s beyond mythological to have Superman and our new Batman facing off, since they are the greatest Super Heroes in the world.”The new film brings back Charles Roven and Deborah Snyder as producers. This time, Christopher Nolan and Emma Thomas are serving as executive producers, along with Benjamin Melniker and Michael E. Uslan. Thomas offered, “Whilst our Dark Knight trilogy is complete, we have every confidence that Zack’s fresh interpretation will take the character in a new and exciting direction. His vision for Superman opened the door to a whole new universe and we can’t wait to see what Zack does with these characters.” The film is based on Superman characters created by Jerry Siegel & Joe Shuster, and Batman characters created by Bob Kane, published by DC Entertainment.

    Comic Con 2013: Warner Bros - "Flash" For 2016 & "Justice League" In 2017

    We see this year after year, but it is happening again in 2013, entertainment news is filtering out fast and furious from Comic Con in San Diego. With all the writers mingling with Hollyweird, information is known to fly fast and furious from whispers to articles in a matter of minutes. Fresh on the heels of a report that The Brothers Warner would be announcing a Superman & Batman team up film for 2015, HOLLYWOOD REPORTER has expanded on the story.

    The article points to Warner Bros also announcing at the 10:45 am (Left Coast Time) panel, which has already started, a Flash film for 2016 and Justice League for 2017. I expected a Man Of Steel 2 announcement with the film possibly featuring a major dose of Batman, but nothing like this. It sounds like Warner Bros, for the first time in many years, is attempting to actually schedule a path to a shared universe.

    I wouldn't mind seeing an experienced Batman, either Christian Bale or Joseph Gordon Levitt several years into it, working with a brash early version of Superman.


    Comic-Con 2013: Superman/Batman Movie Announcement Coming?

    Comic-Con is all about making a splash. Send everyone out of Hall H and running to their laptops/iPhone buzzing about what they just saw. That has always been the Marvel strategy and it's worked for years. Warner Brothers wants in on that action, and, if this pans out, they have the upper hand.

    LA Times says the studio will announce a Superman/Batman team-up film to serve as the Man of Steel follow-up for 2015. They plan to make the announcement at their panel this morning, while showcasing forthcoming releases Gravity, 300: Rise of an Empire and The LEGO Movie.

    If true, it's certainly the best way they can counter against geek blockbusters The Avengers 2 and Star Wars Episode VII; the latter I'm still not convinced will be out that summer.


    Superman Soars - Man Of Steel Sighting At San Diego Comic Con

    Man Of Steel soared into theaters on June 14th and not only destroyed a quarter of Metropolis, but put a hurting on the box office as well. The film has been very successful for The Brothers Warner, to the tune of 283+ Million domestically as of Thursday. You can't argue that is a success for the studio who needed another franchise after Harry Potter grew out of his Hogwarts robe and Bruce Wayne left Gotham to wine and dine Selina Kyle.

    Despite some rumors and ridiculous claims to the contrary, Warner Bros was always planning to go forward with more featuring Superman if Man Of Steel resonated with the general public, and it did. Numbers don't lie. Whether that ends up being Man Of Steel 2 featuring Batman or not remains to be seen. Now the question is, would Warner Bros continue the momentum now that the World's Greatest Hero finally has returned?

    The answer seems to be a decisive yes. Tonight there is a Superman 75th Anniversary party taking place in San Diego, home of Comic Con where Zack Snyder & Henry Cavill will be in attendance. The duo also could be at the Warner Bros and DC Entertainment: Superman's 75th Anniversary Celebration. In addition to the panel, Warners also released a viral video indicating that Superman himself is flying around San Diego. Is it possible that Henry Cavill is going to show up in character as Andrew Garfield did at The Amazing Spider-Man 2 panel? Hopefully it won't be as embarassing as when Depp did it for the POTC 4 and Lone Ranger announcement.


    Comic-Con 2013: Vin Diesel Keeps Talking About Himself At Marvel

    Not that I dislike Vin Diesel. The opposite in fact, he's a self-confessed geek who learned the hard way who butters his bread. Back in the 2000s, he bought into his own hype and effectively killed returning for Fast & Furious and XXX sequels by demanding too much money. Not until Chronicles of Riddick failed and reducing himself to poopy diaper joke comedies like The Pacifier did he learn his lesson.

    Here on out, he's a team player and on the Fast train for life or until Universal wears out those tires. Guess that's why Diesel is thinking past that series and tooting his own horn about joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For the last month, he admitted to taking a meeting and posted pictures of himself next to Avengers cover-art.

    I wish he would cool it until Marvel comments. Yes, even if it is a denial and knowing denials mean nothing. At the Riddick panel this afternoon, he was asked if he had a "Vision" for the future of Marvel on film. He said he couldn't answer but promised "big news" was coming for the end of the month before muttering, "Poor Marvel."

    The big Marvel panel is tomorrow night and they always make an effort to "win" every year. If they want to make a splash, they will do it tomorrow night and announce the new The Avengers 2 additions. This is assuming Diesel is telling the truth and not bullshitting us all. I’m choosing to take the guy at his word. God help me.


    Comic-Con 2013: Kick-Ass 2 Trailer

    At least it's clear why Jim Carrey is a no show. Kick-Ass 2 couldn't look less interesting.

    Aaron Johnson and Chloe-Grace Moretz appear older and it shows, bad green-screen galore and the general "It is the same thing as last time... only BIGGER!" vibe. Why have Kick-Ass, Hit-Girl and the Red-Mist (here The Motherfucker) when you can have an army of new characters including the afore-mentioned funnyman Carrey as Colonel Stars and Stripes; the only part that stands out.

    Not bad looking; just pointless.


    X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST Spreads Through Comic-Con With Propaganda And Sentinels! 

    Well we got the official logo, and now it appears a lot has been popping up on the convention room floor in San Diego.

    First Showing has compiled a nifty gallery of things spotted around the convention, such as propaganda posters to "Fight The Mutant Threat!" and our very first look at the head of X-Men: Days of Future Past's big baddies, The Sentinels, created by TRASK Industries (who's own viral website just went live).

    And someone (We'll link when we get the proper linkage) has leaked the First Looks at Professor Xavier and Magneto (old and saggy-balled as we know and love him played by Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen), Daniel Cudmore as a slightly weathered looking Colossus and Omar Sy as Bishop. Yeah that's defintely Bishop.


    Official Logo for X-MEN: DAYS OF FUTURE PAST. 

     The Official Facebook Page of the X-Men movies updated today with the first official logo of the upcoming X-Men: Days of Future Past.

    Get hype.


    "Man Of Steel" Blu-Ray & Gift Set Including Superman & Zod Figurines 

    Although The Brothers Warner have yet to cement a final release date for the blockbuster smash Man Of Steel DVD/Blu-ray release, the films FACEBOOK PAGE has linked to preorder opportunities for all you impatient fans. Now those who have seen the film eleventeen times in theaters can see it eleventeen more times from the comfort of your own home.

    For those of you who simply want to view Superman flying into your living room by the power of Blu-Ray CLICK HERE to head over to Amazon to pre-order. Others who want to enjoy a little bit more, go for the Gift Set Edition featuring Blu-ray, DVD, and Ultra Violet. Also, collectible figures of both Superman & Zod are included.


    Six New "Ender's Game" Character Posters

    Based on the best-selling, award winning novel, the November 1 release is an epic adventure that takes place a near future wherein a hostile alien race called the Formics have attacked Earth. If not for the legendary heroics of International Fleet Commander Mazer Rackham (Kingsley), all would have been lost. In preparation for the next attack, the highly esteemed Colonel Hyrum Graff (Ford) and the International Military are training only the best young minds to find the future Mazer.

    Ender Wiggin (Butterfield), a shy but strategically brilliant boy, is recruited to join the elite. Arriving at Battle School, Ender quickly and easily masters increasingly difficult challenges and simulations, distinguishing himself and winning respect amongst his peers. Ender is soon ordained by Graff as the military’s next great hope, resulting in his promotion to Command School. Once there, he’s trained by Mazer Rackham himself to lead his fellow soldiers into an epic battle that will determine the future of Earth and save the human race.