Superman Soars - Man Of Steel Sighting At San Diego Comic Con

Man Of Steel soared into theaters on June 14th and not only destroyed a quarter of Metropolis, but put a hurting on the box office as well. The film has been very successful for The Brothers Warner, to the tune of 283+ Million domestically as of Thursday. You can't argue that is a success for the studio who needed another franchise after Harry Potter grew out of his Hogwarts robe and Bruce Wayne left Gotham to wine and dine Selina Kyle.
Despite some rumors and ridiculous claims to the contrary, Warner Bros was always planning to go forward with more featuring Superman if Man Of Steel resonated with the general public, and it did. Numbers don't lie. Whether that ends up being Man Of Steel 2 featuring Batman or not remains to be seen. Now the question is, would Warner Bros continue the momentum now that the World's Greatest Hero finally has returned?
The answer seems to be a decisive yes. Tonight there is a Superman 75th Anniversary party taking place in San Diego, home of Comic Con where Zack Snyder & Henry Cavill will be in attendance. The duo also could be at the Warner Bros and DC Entertainment: Superman's 75th Anniversary Celebration. In addition to the panel, Warners also released a viral video indicating that Superman himself is flying around San Diego. Is it possible that Henry Cavill is going to show up in character as Andrew Garfield did at The Amazing Spider-Man 2 panel? Hopefully it won't be as embarassing as when Depp did it for the POTC 4 and Lone Ranger announcement.
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