Comic-Con 2013: Vin Diesel Keeps Talking About Himself At Marvel

Not that I dislike Vin Diesel. The opposite in fact, he's a self-confessed geek who learned the hard way who butters his bread. Back in the 2000s, he bought into his own hype and effectively killed returning for Fast & Furious and XXX sequels by demanding too much money. Not until Chronicles of Riddick failed and reducing himself to poopy diaper joke comedies like The Pacifier did he learn his lesson.
Here on out, he's a team player and on the Fast train for life or until Universal wears out those tires. Guess that's why Diesel is thinking past that series and tooting his own horn about joining the Marvel Cinematic Universe. For the last month, he admitted to taking a meeting and posted pictures of himself next to Avengers cover-art.
I wish he would cool it until Marvel comments. Yes, even if it is a denial and knowing denials mean nothing. At the Riddick panel this afternoon, he was asked if he had a "Vision" for the future of Marvel on film. He said he couldn't answer but promised "big news" was coming for the end of the month before muttering, "Poor Marvel."
The big Marvel panel is tomorrow night and they always make an effort to "win" every year. If they want to make a splash, they will do it tomorrow night and announce the new The Avengers 2 additions. This is assuming Diesel is telling the truth and not bullshitting us all. I’m choosing to take the guy at his word. God help me.
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