I'm not the type to get overly geeked up about films, however I find myself drawn to this Robocop remake. I didn't even really love the previous installments so I'm not sure why I have attached myself to the remake in such a manner. Maybe it's Gary Oldman that has me enthralled?
The OMNICORP viral site has amped up the technology level, both on a HTML level and with in depth details on the future of their ever expanding law enforcement technology. Check out a small sample below and head over to the viral site or GOTHAM NEWS for even more.

Weapons - Twin Cobra cannons provide precision-strike cover for close-combat searches while anti-armor Hellfire missiles offer 360-deployment for defensive / disruptive maneuvers. Warheads may vary.
Material - Environmentally sensitive yet blast resistant, all units possess the latest in O-Shield material, wrapping reactive graphene armor on the lightest liquid-steel infused mesoskeletal structure yet.
Media - Armed with full media capability – 360 infrasonic cameras and audio targeting – ED-209 operates as evidence recorder, analyzer and transmitter. Real-time backup ensures operational security.
Power - Solar O-cells draw directly from the stars or can be remotely charged from equatorial fuel stations for blackout sorties (subterranean, etc.). The ultimate in clean fuel, enriched O-cells power communications, motion, and weaponry.

 or short-range flame-thrower option. Material - Tempered O-Shield armor offers operational flexibility across ecosystems, with auto temperature regulation and self-“healing” functionality. Chemical structure of graphene remotely mutated to optimize defensive strength. Media - Like big brother ED-209, EM-208 offers the full media suite: 360 infrasonic cameras, audio targeting, and real-time backup. Vocal mediation cued in over 1,500 languages with 500+ regional dialects remotely updatable. Power - Microscopic solar O-cells chemically bonded into O-Shield armor form the lightest fueling system ever devised, drawing power from the stars and storing bio-galactic fuel for up to 48 hours of Battle-level 5 activity.?__SQUARESPACE_CACHEVERSION=1374030798252)
Weapons - Automatic carbon-infused pistols offer 98.73% accuracy up to 800 meters with targeting synched to 360-visor scan. Unit can switch mid-blast to armor piercing rounds (range 150 m.) or
short-range flame-thrower option.
Material - Tempered O-Shield armor offers operational flexibility across ecosystems, with auto temperature regulation and self-“healing” functionality. Chemical structure of graphene remotely mutated to optimize defensive strength.
Media - Like big brother ED-209, EM-208 offers the full media suite: 360 infrasonic cameras, audio targeting, and real-time backup. Vocal mediation cued in over 1,500 languages with 500+ regional dialects remotely updatable.
Power - Microscopic solar O-cells chemically bonded into O-Shield armor form the lightest fueling system ever devised, drawing power from the stars and storing bio-galactic fuel for up to 48 hours of Battle-level 5 activity.