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    Great Scott! Movie News Recap

    ~~Writer/Director Joh Hamburg talks about penning "Little Fockers" and what the characters are up to along with some insight into a possible sequel to "I Love You, Man"~~

    IGN: Little Fockers Exclusive

    ~~ The internet news gurus over at Latino Review report on a Wizard Magazine interview with Shia LaBeouf on his involvement with"Y: The Last Man".~~

    Latino Review: Looks Like Y:The Last Man Needs A New Man

    ~~Paramount Pictures has released the Leonardo Dicaprio led "Shutter Island" in vivid high definition courtesty of the folks at Apple Quicktime.~~

    Apple Quicktime: 'Shutter Island' Trailer

    ~~Director Rob Cohen goes warrior on Vin Diesel and drops him in favor of a journey with seven others to the middle ages~~

    Variety: Cohen Gets Medieval for New Regency

    ~~The 3rd installment of Ice Age is due to freeze up the screens this July but there is already plans for a 4th and it involves a museum.~~

    AICN: A Fourth Ice Age Film...


    'Up' Experiences A Slight 'Hangover'

    Weekend Actuals (June 5th - June 7th)

    1 The Hangover $44,979,319
    2 Up $44,138,266
    3 Land of the Lost $18,837,350
    4 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian $14,634,988
    5 Star Trek $8,310,480
    6 Terminator Salvation $8,248,387
    7 Drag Me to Hell $7,040,550
    8 Angels & Demons $6,550,282
    9 My Life in Ruins $3,223,161
    10 Dance Flick $1,958,725


    Mad Mickey The Rourke Warrior

    USA Today has the first look at Mickey Rourke in costume as Whiplash, the scene shows the character making an appearence at the Monaco Gran Prix, no doubt for an action sequence. Personally I think he looks hilarious, instead of being at a race track he should be at the Thunderdome. I am sure there is better to come but this was not a good first image to create a positive impression with.

    You can see the image below or click on the link at the bottom for a High Res version.



    'Miss Nobody' Trailer


    Quiet Earth has hit upon the trailer for dark comedy 'Miss Nobody'. Having watched it I'm keen to see the full movie, not least because it seems to give the chance for the talented Leslie Bibb to stretch herself as an actress. Best known for her role in 'Talladega Nights' or being Tony Stark's conquest in last years 'Iron Man', She has been at her best on TV, with a strong role on 'Crossing Jordan' and excellent work in the short lived, but hilarious, TV show 'Popular', and this sees her return to a more biting style of comedy.

    The film sees Bibb as a murderous wallflower secretary in a big corporate firm, killing her way up the career ladder unbeknownst to her unsuspecting colleagues. It plays like a lighter American Pschyco but sadly we wont be seeing a naked Miss Bibb running around with a chainsaw.

    The keen eyed amongst you will notice the 'In Theatres 2008' line at the end, clearly that didn't happen and there is still no release date set for the film.

    Check it out below or at the link and keep an eye open for a brief shot of a "Super" co star.


    A Jedi Hangover for the A Team ?

    Wow that is a weird title, anyway it seems Fox are aiming high...well high-ish in Cooper's case,...for their big screen redo of the classic 80's TV show 'The A Team'. Variety reports that they are lining up Bradley Cooper as Templeton 'Face' Peck and the one and only Liam Neeson for the role of Col John 'Hannibal' Smith.

    Liam Neeson is in negotiations with 20th Century Fox to star in its long-gestating bigscreen adaptation of "The A-Team" as Col. John "Hannibal" Smith. Bradley Cooper is in early talks to play Lt. Templeton "Faceman" Peck in the Joe Carnahan-directed pic based on the 1980s TV series.

    Production begins in late August for a June 11, 2010, release.

    Ridley Scott is producing with Jules Daly and series creator Stephen J. Cannell, with Tony Scott exec producing through Scott Free. Carnahan and Brian Bloom polished a script by Skip Woods, whose recent script credits include "G.I. Joe: The Rise of the Cobra" and "Wolverine."

    Neeson is in talks to play Hannibal, the role originated by George Peppard, while Cooper would play "Faceman," the role played by Dirk Benedict.

    Neeson and Fox are working out money issues. He is coming off the global hit "Taken" and most recently completed "Chloe" and "Clash of the Titans," playing Zeus in the latter.

    Cooper has established himself as a commodity after his starring role in Todd Phillips-directed hit "The Hangover." He just completed playing the title role opposite Sandra Bullock in "All About Steve."

    Carnahan, Fox and Scott Free have kept the series premise -- four war vets wrongly convicted of armed robbery escape from a military prison to become do-gooder mercenaries -- but they've replaced the campy nature of the series with a tone closer to those of "Mission: Impossible" and "Ocean's Eleven."

    Now on the surface this seems pretty cool, especially if like me you are a fan of the old show, however the writer on this project is Skip Woods and as you can see, his credits are dubious, plus Joe Carnahan is erratic to say the least. However the A Team is a pretty simple formula and Ridley Scott is producing thus it can't be to hard to get right with decent leads even at Fox.....can it ?


    Danny Boyle set for Slumdog reunion


    Slumdog Millionaire was undoubtedly the little movie that could in 2008, winning a stack of Academy awards and garnering praise in nearly all quarters of the media. Now director Danny Boyle is set to reunite with Slumdog scribe Simon Beaufoy to adapt 'Maximum City: Bombay Lost and Found' according to /film

    This will not be an easy task though and will require creative lciense that he has been granted by  author Suketu Mehta, as the writer explains.

    Maximum City is a non-fiction work, so it will be a huge challenge to find the story in it. It is a wonderful book and I used it in my initial research for Slumdog. There are some great characters in the book, but no stories, so my job will be to get the fictional out of a non-fictional story. Suketu is very understanding about my creative input and flexible about many changes. I will have to come up with something to bring together all the characters from the book into something that can make a film.

    The book description is intriguing:

    “A native of Bombay, Suketu Mehta gives us an insider’s view of this stunning metropolis. He approaches the city from unexpected angles, taking us into the criminal underworld of rival Muslim and Hindu gangs; following the life of a bar dancer raised amid poverty and abuse; opening the door into the inner sanctums of Bollywood; and delving into the stories of the countless villagers who come in search of a better life and end up living on the sidewalks.

    A brilliantly illuminating portrait of Bombay and its people - a book as vast, diverse, and rich in experience, incident, and sensation as the city itself - from an award-winning Indian-American fiction writer and journalist.  A native of Bombay, Suketu Mehta gives us a true insider’s view of this stunning city, bringing to his account a rare level of insight, detail, and intimacy. He approaches the city from unexpected angles - taking us into the criminal underworld of rival Muslim and Hindu gangs who wrest control of the city’s byzantine political and commercial systems . . . following the life of a bar dancer who chose the only life available to her after a childhood of poverty and abuse . . . opening the doors onto the fantastic, hierarchical inner sanctums of Bollywood . . . delving into the stories of the countless people who come from the villages in search of a better life and end up living on the sidewalks - the essential saga of a great city endlessly played out.

    Through it all - as each individual story unfolds - we hear Mehta’s own story: of the mixture of love, frustration, fascination, and intense identification he feels for and with Bombay, as he tries to find home again after twenty-one years abroad. And he makes clear that Bombay - the world’s largest city - is a harbinger of the vast megalopolises that will redefine the very idea of “the city” in the near future.”

    Going back to familiar territory can be a mixed blessing for a director, especially so soon after a massive hitr, in this case the shadow of Slumdog will loom large over the expectations of this movie, however with the talent involved I remain optimistic that we will get something of quality.


    Movie Moan - Marvel Upon The Beard of Zach Galifianakis

    Another week has passed by, and it's time for the latest edition of Movie Moan here at Think McFly Think.

    Phil, Jamie and Ed have all had their fair share of movie-going experiences this week. Phil gives his insight into Terminator: Salvation, makes the brilliant suggestion as to why it should have been made 15 years ago and stumbles upon McG's vision of "evil people with beards" - which apparently no one else has noticed.

    Meanwhile, Ed reviews the "surprise box-office smash" (even though it's been called that for months now thus how is it even remotely a "surprise?") comedy The Hangover and as the title of this week's show suggests marvels upon Zach Galifianakis' beard leading into a discussion about the fear and anticipation of Anchorman 2.

    Speaking of Will Ferrell and bad ideas, Jamie sat through the box-office flop also known as Land of the Lost and thereby bitched about what didn't work (i.e. everything) and compares it to other shitty TV shows-turned-shitty movies.

    Meanwhile, Ed starts the debate of when a favorite film-critic goes insane with a review and whether or not one can believe a word they say after-wards as well as which At the Movies guest-critics were actually worth a damn and which weren't. We're looking at you, Jay Leno!

    Also in discussed is Phil's man-love for Starship Troopers, last week's MTV Movie Awards, Brian Blessed, a possible remake of the 80s action masterpiece Commando and the lack of a "final showdown" in Kill Bill Volume II.

    Movie Moan - Marvel Upon The Beard of Zach Galifianakis


    Johnny 5 Is Back Alive

    A little over two weeks ago I was sitting on my couch working on an article. My dog and my girlfriend were both asleep on the couch next to me and I just finished watching the Red Sox. I decided to scroll through some of the free movies and I don't know if I just had a hankering for some Steve Guttenberg or a desire to witness some advanced robotics in action, but I rented "Short Circuit". I watched it from beginning to end and enjoyed it just as much as I did so many years ago.

    Cut to this past week and Variety reports that Dimension has selected Dan Millano of "Robot Chicken" fame to pen a remake of "Short Circuit". I'm usually not too keen on remakes but I can get on board with this one. I'm actually looking to an update to one of my favorite childhood flicks.

    "We're bringing Number 5 into the 21st Century and taking advantage of the improvements in robotics that are so massive that robots are now performing heart surgeries in hospitals," Foster said.

    I'm expecting that there will be a little more darkness to this version of "Short Circuit" but I expect some laughs as well. Hopefully this will actually make it to the screen and isn't "disassembled" before cameras start rolling.


    Official Photos Go "High Rez"

    High resolution "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" shots & amped up versions of previously released photos from WB's "Clash of the Titans" have made their appearance online.

    Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen:

    "Clash of the Titans"

    Head over to IESB to witness even bigger and better versions of the above photos and more from "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen" and "Clash of the Titans"


    Dunst On Board 'Spiderman 4'...Again

    This past week the movie news pioneers over at Aint It Cool News revealed what was thought to be a teaser poster for "Spiderman 4" which was photographed hanging at the Licensing International Expo in Las Vegas. Although the poster was actually present at the Expo sources have told SuperHeroHype! that no official artwork has been released for "Spiderman 4" which is still in development.

    Yesterday N.Y. blogs. posted an interview with Sony producer Todd Black which confirmed AGAIN that Kirstin Dunst was indeed in place to reprise her role as the wispy haired MJ in "Spiderman 4". Black also revealed the description of the villian to be:

    "We're just coming up with who the villain's going to be now. We'll be shooting in New York again. Trust me, people will appreciate who we pick, because it'll be a big part of New York."

    Rumors are abound that the villian could very well be Kingpin, who we last saw stalking Daredevil on the big screen.