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    MTV Movie Awards give us Transformers and a New Moon!

    First up we have sexiness, explosions, amazing special effects, Michael Bay's trademark camera moves and orange glare....Oh and Shia Lebouf. All key elements Transformers 2, a movie that will ignite what has been a fairly timid summer at the Box Office by recent years standards.

    Next we have the teaser trailer for 'New Moon', the second movie in the Rom-Vamp Twilight series starring Kristen Stewart, She is pretty much the only part of this teaser that isn't horrible, the dialogue is bad, the SFX shoddy and the oiled GQ model Werewolf laughable. However it is the acting of teen girl fav Robert Pattinson that is the lowlight, in the forest scene with Stewart's Bella his acting contains more wood than the trees combined.



    More Hemming and Hawing From Bryan Singer

    For those still following at home, director Bryan Singer continues to ramble on nonsensically when asked about doing a potential follow up to "Superman Returns."

    The following is from a new interview with Total Film magazine when Singer was asked if he would be involved in the project: "I don't know, I don't know. There are still issues ... I just ... I just don't know. I don't necessarily ... I don't know. It's one of those things where ... It's so weird talking about stuff unless I'm about to ramp up and shoot it."

    Meanwhile, Singer was more lucid, but still evasive, in a new interview with the Edmonton Sun newspaper.

    Singer told the paper his next movie will be a sci-fi fantasy "genre" film.

    "It's almost totally in place, but I can't talk about it," he said.

    The Sun asked if that next movie started with an "S" (for Superman).

    "I wish I could say, but I'm trying to nip it in the bud because I tend to babble when I'm interested and excited about something," he replied. "And I'm definitely in the 'interested and excited' stage -- which is definitely better than the 'What the f--- do I do next?' stage. I can tell you that science fiction and fantasy, those are the films I lined up around the block to see as a kid. Those are the films I love to make."


    Movie Moan - Three of Us Saw Up, Guess Who Didn't

    That's right, they finally got off their lazy asses and actually made an effort to add music to their show. Yes, we're all rather surprised really...

    But in all seriousness, Phil, Jamie, Ed Hocken and Lou Sytsma are back with you folks on the latest edition of Movie Moan. On this week's epic adventure, three of our heroes have seen Up and one didn't. Here's a hint: he's British.

    Besides fielding questions and discussing various aspects to the latest Pixar affair, Lou gives his reaction to Terminator: Salvation and everyone laments to the fact that the film is a box-office flop (and not an under-performer as Jamie had labeled it as last week) and the franchise as a whole is dead.

    Meanwhile, Phil and Ed discuss the news of a Doctor Who film in development, 20th Century Fox's decision to make a prequel to Alien where everyone shoots out their ideas including spin-offs and cross-over projects with board-game movies and ask the eternal question, "What happened to Paul Reiser?"

    As well as chatting up the latest bits on Iron Man 2, Tintin and Avatar, the guys discuss what they want to see from the (eventual) Batman III on this week's latest edition of "Memo to the Executives!"

    Movie Moan - Three of Us Saw Up, Guess Who Didn't


    News, Rumors & 100% Grade-A Internet Bullshit - May 30, 2009

    - It's only seven months until James Cameron's Avatar will grace the silver screens despite the lack of actual footage or photos from the film (unless you count behind-the-scenes pictures of Cameron, Sam Worthington & Co. on set next to green-screens!) But MarketSaw got a hold of some concept art taken from the forthcoming book The Art of Avatar and confirmed by 20th Century Fox. I'm still waiting to see a trailer, but I really like what I see here!

    - In an odd (but nonetheless smart) move to play on the popularityof the character overseas, Sony and Paramount have opted to release The Adventures of Tintin: The Secret of the Unicorn in the international markets at the end of October and early November 2011. The film will then open state-side on December 23 where it will no doubt butt-heads with Warner Brothers' The Hobbit - a move that is not-so-smart by comparison.

    - I think Kevin Smith is going to prove his critics wrong with his action-comedy A Couple of Dicks. It sounds like a project "main-stream"enough for him to gain a wide audience while sticking to his sense of humor. That, and I'm curious to see him handle action - he's definitely got it in him, in my opinion. Along with Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan as the leads, Sean William Scott and Adam Brody have joined the production which starts shooting on Monday.


    Alien Prequel Confirmed! Kill Me.

    As if the news of a Robert Rodriguez produced Predator reboot wasn't enough for ya. Bloody Disgusting (the good folks who broke said news-item awhile back) received word from the same tipster regarding another long-time sci-fi/horror property that 20th Century Fox owns headed for a "franchise revival!"

    That's right. We're talking about the Alien series. As per their sources, the new project will be produced by Ridley and Tony Scott with Carl Rinsch (a director unknown to most audiences but with numerous television commercials and music videos under his belt - not coincidentally produced by Scott Free Productions) at the helm.

    Meanwhile, Collider got the word straight from the mouth of Tony Scott (while doing press for this forthcoming remake of The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3) who confirmed the news as well as revealing that the next Alien film will be a prequel to big-brother Ridley's 1979 original.

    Now I'm all for Rinsch getting his chance to make it in "the big leagues" especially with the helpful hands from the Brothers Scott. But for fuck's sake, an Alien prequel?

    One would assume the front-loaded "success" of X-Men Origins: Wolverine (a film that despite opening to $85 million in 3 days will fail to break the $200 million mark) would have been enough for the studio to know when they've gone too far. I mean seriously audiences aren't that stupid to need to know the explanation of the every little detail in a film. They actually can use their imaginations and fill in the blanks.

    So come Summer 2011-2012, we'll witness High School Nostromo, the $250 million budget prequel about the teenaged Ripley, Dallas, "wacky" foreign-exchange/android student Ash & Co. sing, dance and learn important life-lessons. And they'll be joined by their wise-cracking talking-cat Jonesy for comic-relief.


    A Perfect Trailer!

    Yeah Ok it's not, it's a trailer for 'A Perect Getaway' a mid level action/thriller starring Mila Jovovich, Steve Zahn and Timothy Olyphant.

    It's directd by David Twohy who first thrust Vin Diesel upon us in his small sci fi cult hit 'Pitch Black'. The premise here is pretty simple, Zahn and Mila are a nice suburban couple on their honeymoon to an exotic and remote island, they hook up with two evidently dodgy looking couples and get caught up in some sort of cat and mouse hunting game, it's like Deliverance minus male butt vilolation and with some decent looking broads.

    I could see me catching this one night on cable when I'm bored or feeling like a cheesy little action flick. In truth it looks relatively entertaining despite the dodgy use of CGI in a couple of shots and the clunky sledge hammer subtle acting.

    'A Perect Getaway' is released at some point when the studio finds a week where nothing good with stars in is coming out (August 14th), and you can check the trailer out below.



    Tom Cruise Commits Career Suicide.......Again!

    In 2005 Tom Cruise was the undisputed king of Hollywood, an untouchable force of revenue generating megastardom, then he jumped on a couch, dissed Brooke shields and crashed off his perch. In 2006 the effects of these actions manifested in the lower than expected domestic take for Mission Impossible 3, a movie many regarded as the best in the series. After this Cruise went into rebuild mode and dropped out of big blockbusters altogether.

    Last year saw the start of a comeback, firstly with the movie stealing turn as Les Grossman in the highly popular 'Tropic Thunder' and then with a good performance in the fairly well received and solid box office hit 'Valkyrie' which was a high end drama/thriller. However news comes from Variety that Tom has decided to undo his good work and shoot himself in the foot.

    Tom Cruise is zeroing in on the 20th Century Fox action comedy "Wichita" as his next star vehicle.

    He'll pair with Cameron Diaz in the James Mangold-directed film. That ends a serious courtship that the star had since January with some of the highest-profile projects in Hollywood.

    According to sources, Cruise and Diaz have approved the script, and their deals are in advanced negotiations. While Fox has not officially dated the picture, sources said the studio is eyeing a summer 2010 release.

    The script has been through many machinations, but the most recent drafts were done by Scott Frank, with Mangold currently fine-tuning the script with Laeta Kalogridis ("Shutter Island"). Two-hander has several action scenes.

    Cruise will play a secret agent who pops in and out of the life of a single woman

    Sweet mother of God! do the words Cameron Diaz, Rom com and Fox not tell Cruise this is a huge error ? Hell even the worlds most desperate actor knows this has disaster written all over it. Cruise has always been so adept at choosing projects so this choice utterly baffles me when he had the option to do Motorcade (Speed meets Air Force One) and get back in the big summer action blockbuster game. Instead it's like he has rummaged through Luke Wilson's "To do" pile.

    For the record I like Cameron Diaz personally, she seems nice and a lot of fun, but her movie choosing often leaves much to be desired and Fox studios are the biggest purveyor of mindless junk there is in the big US studio system. I know some will cite that the talented James Mangold is directing and that the equally talented Scott Frank wrote the most recent draft, but to use a famous quote - Ive got a bad feeling about this....Good luck getting a third chance Tom.


    Exclusive: Trouble for Expendables

    Despite the obvious "Aren't they too old?" argument, Sylvester Stallone's The Expendables has had many of us intrigued. Just from everything we've heard, it sounds like a good old fashion (albeit 1980s "old" and sadly not R-rated) action romp. That, and one can't help but resist seeing an action film featuring Stallone, Jet Li, Jason Statham, Dolph Lundgren and Terry Crews with apperances from Arnold Schwarzenegger and Mickey Rourke to boot!

    But now TMT has received word from a source that the production has hit a couple of speed-bumps. Chief among them film editor Paul Trejo has been fired - "creative differences" being the reason given. Another problem lies in the Brazilian crew (currently on location down in New Orleans) half of whom have quit due to exhaustion.

    According to our tipster, the cause of said actions lie within constant on-set rewrites from Stallone featuring additional stunts - more so than was originally intended which has also caused the film to have gone well over budget.


    A Terminator Fan Asks For A Merciful End To Childhood Franchise

    I kind of liked "Terminator Salvation" but lets face it folks it was nowhere near as good as "Terminator 2: Judgement Day" and neither was "Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines", another movie I didn't hate. I think it's time to throw in the towel. Even if "Salvation" makes money after DVD sales and international grosses are counted the series should be left alone.

    We have had three Terminator projects that have failed or disappointed in the last six years. Not only did they fail comercially but they have in no way lived up to James Cameron's Terminator films creatively.

    T3 was just a rehash of T2 and while T2 was admittedly a rehash of the first one, it was a great rehash so we didn't care. T3 was too silly, Arnold was too long in the tooth, T-X wasn't as good as T-1000, and the lame overly broad comedy just didn't work. Plus Nick Stahl was miscast. It all adds up to a not very satisfying sequel and it should have been the end of the franchise but noooo, there had to be a T.V show!

    The "Sarah Conner Cronicles" suffered from being a lame "fugitive with robots" show and only reminded you of how awesome T2 really is and why Linda Hamilton is so great in the role of Sarah Conner. No offensive to the talented Lena Headey but she was no Linda Hamilton. I think that Terminator is a movie idea anyway, so even if the show was made by James Cameron himself and had a 10 million dollar budget for each episode, I don't think that it would have worked. The chase idea can only sustain so many hours. Hell it couldn't even sustain three, on average, two-hour movies.

    I really wanted a future war movie (they should have made one in 2003 but instead we got another rehash of The Terminator) but after watching "Terminator: Salvation" I don't think that we needed one. It's a fun movie that gives you a little nostaligic kick in the pants but it's just not a very good one. You don't really care about the underdeveloped characters and the movie is really just one long action scene with some dialogue in between. Thats not exactly what I expect from my Terminator movies. I came to the conlusion a few days after I saw it that this franchise should end and should have ended in 1991 when Arnold as the T-800 gives us a thumbs up as he sinks to his doom.

    When I was a wee lass my two sisters and I would watch "Terminator 2" and play out ever single scene and spout out every single line of dialogue. I swear we knew the lines better than the actors. Because I was the middle girl out of us I would play John Conner and I would love it. T2 is like a great childhood memory to me and these extra tacked on movies/shows are ruining it for me, making it less special than it really is.

    I can't say this for sure but it seems like James Cameron is the Terminator franchise. It's his baby and nobody else knows it like he does, respects it like he does. To the people who own the franchise I say give it a rest. It was a limited concept and it was over in 1991. The boxoffice shows that not enough people are interested in it for you to makes gobs of money off of it anyhow. Leave it be, let it rest. Let me and most every other fan keep their good memories of this franchise. Please lets stop it before the Terminator franchise turns into a laughing stock like the Nightmare of Elm Street franchise did, like Halloween did, like Friday the 13th did. In my opinion the Terminator Franchise deserves more than to become a laughing stock. It was a scary, heartfelt, cool as hell sci fi franchise that only needed two movies. It was hardly even a franchise to begin with, so cut it out and leave it the hell alone.

    For the sake of the children...

    Say, Hasta la vista Baby.


    Terminator Spends A Night At The Museum


    Memorial Day Weekend Actuals (4-Day)

    1 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian $70,052,004
    2 Terminator Salvation $51,943,726
    3 Star Trek $29,380,384
    4 Angels & Demons $27,413,992
    5 Dance Flick $12,622,450
    6 X-Men Origins: Wolverine $9,910,686
    7 Ghosts of Girlfriends Past $4,767,809
    8 Obsessed $2,424,470
    9 Monsters Vs. Aliens $2,060,680
    10 17 Again $1,292,506