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    A Perfect Trailer!

    Yeah Ok it's not, it's a trailer for 'A Perect Getaway' a mid level action/thriller starring Mila Jovovich, Steve Zahn and Timothy Olyphant.

    It's directd by David Twohy who first thrust Vin Diesel upon us in his small sci fi cult hit 'Pitch Black'. The premise here is pretty simple, Zahn and Mila are a nice suburban couple on their honeymoon to an exotic and remote island, they hook up with two evidently dodgy looking couples and get caught up in some sort of cat and mouse hunting game, it's like Deliverance minus male butt vilolation and with some decent looking broads.

    I could see me catching this one night on cable when I'm bored or feeling like a cheesy little action flick. In truth it looks relatively entertaining despite the dodgy use of CGI in a couple of shots and the clunky sledge hammer subtle acting.

    'A Perect Getaway' is released at some point when the studio finds a week where nothing good with stars in is coming out (August 14th), and you can check the trailer out below.


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