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    Metallo Headed to 'Smallville' Next Year

    According to TV Guide, Metallo will be making the jump to "Smallville" next season.

    Taking on the role will be Brian Austin Green, formerly of "Beverly Hills 90210." Those who remember him only for that show should check him out in "Terminator: The Sarah Conner Chronicles," where he showed a flair for sci-fi/action.

    Green, who has gained fame recently as Megan Fox's boyfriend, also has come up in the casting discussions for "Green Lantern."

    TV Guide says Green will "appear as the kryptonite-powered villain (alter ego 'Daily Planet' journo John Corben) in at least the first two episodes of Season 9, which kicks off Friday, Sept. 25."


    Why I Hate Fanboys

    Yesterday afternoon, Batman-On-Film big-cheese Bill "Jett" Ramey revealed that not only has Christopher Nolan yet to commit to helm a third Batman film, but that he's insanely hesitant to even do so and everything is pretty much at "square one" for the threequel.

    So of course, we did a post on said report - as did most of the known Internet. Afterwards, I was curious to hear reactions so I surfed around to a couple of forums and what not. You saw the standard responses. Some didn't believe it (going as far to call Jett a liar), others took the report for what it's worth and of course there was the "Well, let's just wait and see" responses. And then there was another answer I kept seeing...a lot.

    "If Nolan walks from making Batman 3, then fuck him!"

    In the eyes of a fanboy, making two fantastic Batman films isn't considered "good enough!"Maybe I just wasn't in the right mood when I read that. But dammit if it didn't trigger a reaction outta me. "Fuck Nolan?" The man delivered the two definitive Batman films and fanboys are seriously going to bitch about not getting a possible third installment from him. Most of these fanboys basically have a "Well, what have you done for me lately?" attitude regarding these franchises, the filmmakers responsible for them, etc. Is there such a thing as being grateful for what you've been given?

    It never ceases to amaze me how many times I've heard fanboys whine and bitch about what they want to see and how "the studios never listen to us!" Really? What would you call the San Diego Comic-Con coming next month? The studios have been going out of their way to garner "nerd cred" to please fanboys for the longest time, and it's never enough in their eyes. To even suggest that the studios never "listen" is laughable.

    Just look at Terminator Salvation as the most recent example. All we heard after Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines was how "they should do a film that's set in the future after Judgement Day with Terminators everywhere and John Connor finally becomes the 'great leader' he's been talked up as for the last three movies!" Well, McG & Co. delivered just that. And guess how the fanboys reacted? They whined and bitched. It wasn't good enough for them.

    They wanted a Hulk film that was "all 'Hulk-smash!'" after the ill-fated Ang Lee film. Last summer, Marvel Studios bankrolled just that with The Incredible Hulk. And guess how the fanboys reacted? They whined and bitched. It wasn't good enough for them. They wanted to see Venom brought to life on the silver screen. By all accounts, the studio forced Sam Raimi to include the character in Spider-Man 3. And guess how the fanboys reacted? They whined and bitched. It wasn't good enough for them.

    There are countless other examples I could give. There's the Star Wars prequel trilogy, Wolverine, Superman Returns, Indiana Jones & the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull and Hell even Watchmen. But it's safe to say that you folks get the idea.

    Who made Star Trek the biggest film of the year? The general movie-going public.But here's the real irony. Fanboys.don't.matter. That's right. The success or failure of a tentpole does not (nor has it ever) lived or died by whether or not they approve. Don't believe me? The Dark Knight is the second highest-grossing film of all-time and Star Trek is the biggest film this year (so far!) That had nothing to do with fanboys loving said films. It was the general public who made them the smash hits that they are.

    Hell before the J.J. Abrams reboot came along, the Trek "brand-name" was dead and nothing more than a joke associated with people walking around dressed up as characters at comic conventions.

    Now to be fair, there are plenty of fans who are in fact not fanboys - if that makes any sense. Fanboys are the ones who bitch at any given notice that you always hear about and whom I'm referring to in this piece. To those said fans, I apologize if it appears that I'm lumping you in with the fanboy "community." I'm not.

    To fanboys, seriously shut up and be grateful for what you've gotten so far.


    'Superman/Batman: Public Enemies' Arrives Sept. 29 

    Here is a peek at the blu-ray and DVD covers for the animated movie "Superman/Batman: Public Enemies" (and, most importantly, it gives the official release date as Sept. 29):

    The movie will be based on a story arc of the comic book "Superman/Batman," as written by Jeph Loeb and drawn by Ed McGuinness.

    According to a release, "United States President Lex Luthor uses the oncoming trajectory of a kryptonite asteroid to frame Superman and declare a $1 billion bounty on the heads of the Man of Steel and his 'partner in crime' Batman. Super heroes and super villains alike launch a relentless pursuit of Superman and Batman, who must unite – and recruit super help – to stave off the action-packed onslaught, stop the asteroid, and uncover Luthor’s devious plot to take command of far more than North America."


    Great Scott! Movie News Recap

    ~~The lovely and capable Natalie Portman is now attached to play the lead in the Supernatural thrill "Black Swan" to be directed by Darren Aronofsky~~

    Dark Horizons: Portman Goes Ballerina For Black Swan

    ~~Mutt Williams aka Shia LaBeouf squawks about a possible "Indiana Jones" sequel while promoting "Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen"~~

    IESB: Shia LaBeouf Says Next Indiana Jones Story Has Been Cracked

    ~~Producer Frank Marshall mulls over the possibility of going back to "Jurassic Park" and the challenge of reading "The Neverending Story"~~

    IO9: Jurassic Park 4 A Long Shot But Neverending Story Coming

    ~~Iconic James Bond villian Blofield could possibly make an appearance in the newest installment and what "Frost/Nixon" and "The Queen" have to do with it~~

    Latino Review: Is James Bond's Blofeld Back?


    That's Heavy! Comic Book Film News

    ~~Screenwriter Marc Guggenheim discusses penning the "Green Lantern" and chimes in on the ever rampant casting rumors for the role of Hal Jordan~~

    Sci Fi Wire: Writer Reveals Green Lantern Movie

    ~~Russian filmmaker Timur Bekmabetov talks "Wanted 2" and what preparations are being made along with the return of Angelina Jolie~~

    SuperHeroHype: Bekmabetov Prepares Wanted 2

    ~~Paul Bettany is being joined by Cam Gigandet of "Twilight" fame in Scott Stewart's adaptation of the comic book "Priest"~~

    Shock Till You Drop: Cam Gigandet's Update On Priest

    ~~Somewhere out there Tim Story is waking up in a cold sweat as Fox prepares to reboot the previosly not so well received "Fantastic Four"~~

    Jim Hill Media: Licensing International Expo


    Trailer For Beckinsale's 'Whiteout' Leaked Online

    Here is the leaked movie trailer for "Whiteout," starring Kate Beckinsale. The movie is scheduled to be released in theaters Sept. 11, 2009.

    But I can't guarantee you the trailer will be here for long.


    'Hangover' Barely Edges 'Up'...Again

    Weekend Actuals (June 12th - June 14th)

    1 The Hangover $32,794,387
    2 Up $30,762,280
    3 The Taking of Pelham 1 2 3 $23,373,102
    4 Night at the Museum: Battle of the Smithsonian $9,616,907
    5 Land of the Lost $8,994,030
    6 Imagine That $5,503,519
    7 Star Trek $5,454,563
    8 Terminator Salvation $4,787,487
    9 Angels & Demons $4,111,457
    10 Drag Me to Hell $3,932,585



    Nolan Not "Sure Thing" to Direct Batman 3?

    Ever since The Dark Knight broke damn-near every box-office record imaginable last year, many folks have (rather foolishly) just assumed that Christopher Nolan was going to return to the director's chair for the inevitable Batman 3.

    Well first he decided to shift-gears and make Inception as his next film with a July 2010 release date set. By default, the originally planned 2011 release for the third Batman installment was pushed back to 2012.

    All the awhile, we heard plenty of mutterings from cast-members like Michael Caine guessimating that they'll return in "a few years" or 100% Grade-A Internet bullshit rumors such as Eddie Murphy playing the Riddler or Cher as Catwoman to name a few.

    Now comes word from our pal Bill Ramey (aka Jett) the "big-cheese" over at Batman On Film that the participation from Mr. Nolan is far from a sure thing. As per his sources or as he affectionately calls it "Industry Scuttlebutt:"

    • The death of Heath Ledger in January of 2008 rocked Mr. Nolan hard. So hard that Chris was convinced that TDK was going to be it for him and Batman on film.
    • The Joker was going to return in BATMAN 3.
    • You are correct in reporting that he is developing story ideas with [Jonathan Nolan] and David Goyer, but it will be until AT LEAST 2012 before we see the Caped Crusader back [in theaters]. And that is only an EARLY ESTIMATE at best right now. They are even saying it might not be until 2013.
    • Basically, the Batman film franchise is back to square one. As far as a story or a BATMAN 3, "Right now, there is none," says our guy.

    A few things one has to keep in mind before fanboys start spazzing out. For one, Inception is apparently a much bigger endeavor than most of us originally assumed with the recent reports of its $200+ million. It's very well possible that Nolan is going to want to recharge his batteries again before back into "Planet Batman" mode.

    There's also the chance that Nolan knows there is! he's going to able to "top" The Dark Knight for most people. The general public, press, fanboys, etc. have a funny way of viciously turning against someone (whether they be an actor, filmmaker, politican, sports-figure, etc.) after raising them up to such a high standard after so long. It's altogether possible that Nolan realizes this and wants to get the fuck off the Batman franchise while he's so highly valued.

    Then again, this could be all bullshit and Nolan does wind up helming Batman 3. But if Jett heard it, then it's something to take into consideration, folks...


    Akira Goes Kaput

    If you'll remember, Warner Brothers, Legendary Pictures and Leonardo DiCaprio's production company Appian Way officially announced plans to adapt the manga Akira into a live-action two-film series. They went as far as hiring Ruairi Robinson to direct with Summer 2009 and 2010 release dates announced.

    That was then and we've heard diddly dick from all parties involved since said announcement. So it should come as no surprise whatsoever that the good folks over at Bloody-Disgusting have received word from two separate sources saying the project is "as dead as a doornail."

    As crazy it sounds right now (what with The Hangover kicking ass at the box-office and Harry Potter & the Half-Blood Prince arriving next month), Warner Brothers was the most effected by the WGA Strike two years ago and desperate to have tentpoles lined up and ready to go for this summer. Hell, why do you think Terminator: Salvation was churned out as quickly as it was?

    Once they opted to move Potter from November 2008 to July 2009, the studio breathed a sigh of relief and probably felt less inclined to take a risk with such an ambitious endeavor as Akira would have been - especially with the time-table they had to pull if off and the fact that the similarly bleak Watchmen and Terminator didn't exactly light the box-office on fire this year.


    Superman Returns: Where Are They Now

    Bryan Singer:

    ~~Director of X-Men and X2, and of course Superman Returns, comments on J.J. Abrams and "Star Trek". Bryan Singer wonders aloud what would have happened if he had directed Trek.~~

    Jam! Showbiz: Green Blooded With Envy

    Michael Dougherty:

    ~~Writer director Michael Dougherty discusses the "Trick 'R Treat" DVD and Blu-Ray October release and reveals some of the special features.~~

    Fangoria: Dougherty Reveals Trick 'R Treat Disc Details

    James Marsden & Frank Langella:

    ~~Richard Kelly, of Donnie Darko fame, discusses his Comic Con presentation for "The Box". Frank Langella and James Marsden will be in attendance along with Cameron Diaz~

    ScreeCrave: Comic-Con 2009 Panel Updates

    Article Courtesy Of Our Sister Site Come Fly With Us.