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Entries by Alex Lynch (31)


New Lara Croft and The Temple of Osiris Dev Diary

The team behind the much underrated yet acclaimed Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light will be releasing their next game soon, a direct sequel titled The Temple of Osiris. Check out this developer diary that gives you an indepth look into the puzzles of the game.


Tales From The Borderlands Trailer Welcomes You (Back) To Pandora (Again)

Telltale Games have released a brand new trailer for their collaboration with Gearbox; "Tales from the Borderlands". The witty trailer features the voice talents of Patrick Warburton, Troy Baker and Laura Bailey. The press release offered official details about the game.

Today we can also reveal final casting details. The season will feature Troy Baker as Rhys, Laura Bailey as Fiona, Chris Hardwick as Vaughn, Erin Yvette as Sasha, Patrick Warburton as Vasquez, and Dameon Clarke as Handsome Jack. Additional casting details from the season are yet to be announced. Set on the unforgiving world of Pandora after the events seen in Borderlands 2, Tales from the Borderlands is a five part episodic game series full of Borderlands' trademark humor, following two adventurers on their quest for greatness. You'll play as Rhys, a Hyperion 'suit' with dreams of being the next Handsome Jack, and Fiona, a Pandoran con artist looking to score her biggest ever swindle. Thrown together as unwilling partners in an adventure to recover cash they both think is theirs, their journey will take you on a wild ride where gangsters, bandit lords, and Vault Hunters are just some of the obstacles you'll encounter, in this new take on the award-winning universe created by Gearbox Software.


WWE 2K15 Dev Diary Focuses On New Controls

The new control system in WWE 2K15 has been highly anticipated by Visual Concepts for months since the announcement of the video game. However, the depth of those controls and new HUD system had yet to be explained. Now, 2K have released a developer diary showcasing how these new controls affect the pace of the game in more ways than one including a new stamina bar that doesn't replenish. How do you feel about that?


Dungeon Defenders 2 Hits Early Access On December 5th

One of the most beloved games on the market was Dungeon Defenders, which has reached over 6 million purchases since it's debut. Now, the sequel is hitting Early Access on Steam on December 5th. 

"With over six million Dungeon Defenders players across PC, Console & Mobile, we're thrilled to be able to offer them the chance to play Dungeon Defenders II," said Darrell Rodriguez, CEO of Trendy Entertainment.  "At Trendy, we believe the best games are made in a partnership with their communities. For the last 12 months we've been quietly developing Dungeon Defenders II with a limited group of community members we call the Defense Counsel, and we are incredibly proud of our joint accomplishments. Now the time has come to bring the game to Steam and open it up a whole new channel of feedback through Early Access."

There'll also be an exclusive announcement on the future of the series at the 2014 Gaming Awards


TellTale Confirms Six Episode Game Of Thrones Series

In a new teaser releases by Telltale Games, the first episode of Game of Thrones is confirmed to be called Iron From Ice, also confirming that the series will run for six episodes instead of the standard five. Now that Telltale has begun to release information, it'll be no time until screenshots and a trailer will be released before a definitive play date is announced. Check out the new teaser below.



In-Depth Look At WWE 2K15 MyCAREER Mode

2K Games has released this new IGN-Exlcusive look at WWE 2K15's MyCAREER mode, which takes your created character down a full 15 year WWE Career starting at the WWE Performance Center in Orlando all the way to his retirement and hopeful induction into the Hall of Fame. The below video covers a huge plethora of features and cutscenes you'll encounter in the mode, but also features some fantastic behind the scenes footage at the actual WWE Performance Center in Orlando.


PC Review: Falling Skies The Game

Falling SKies: The Game was announced more than a year ago in a deal with Little Orbit to create titles based on the highly successful television series. At this time, Season 4 was filming and it was very unclear if the game would somehow tie-in to the show in various ways. Unfortunately, both season 4 of the show and the video game were massive disappointments.

Falling Skies: The Game, right off the bat, is a ripoff or copy of the XCOM series, sharing a huge amount of uncanny resemblance. XCOM is one of the best turn-based strategy games in the business and has a cult following. It is also met with high critical success with every turnout and has come to be one of the kings of TBS. Unfortunately, Falling Skies: The Game is nothing more than a shell of what XCOM has accomplished, taking the basic fundamentals of the franchise and adding nothing more than its own aesthetic without any flare. It's completely possible to look past the fact that it's an XCOM clone because in it's own right, it's well-developed and turn based strategy is a fantastic idea for Falling Skies and other sci-fi franchises that aren't quite action heavy because it gives an opportunity to tell a story within the levels and in-between. 

Disappointly, Falling Skies once again has nothing but a shell of a story within the game. It rarely ties into the show, let alone season 4 which was filming at this point in-time and has only a handful of characters from the television series. Also, the characters have very skewed likenesses, as if they wouldn't sign over their own faces for the game or the developers just had poor modellers. Thankfully, the actors play their characters in the voice over booth providing a shred of authenticity. The skitters, mechs and every other enemy are well modeled and textured, and the game also uses some of the show's mythology in it's roots such as characters being spiked.

The gameplay in Falling Skies is fundamentally a great idea, unfortunately it's so bear and unsensational that the player can't help to feel massively bored, especially in the earlier stages in the game when the missions are just massive amounts of recon and collection with barely enough action to keep satisfied. Not to mention a complete lack of variety for animations and sound clips, hearing your generic lookalike soldiers screaming "EN ROUTAY" or "BACK TO THE GRIND" six hundred times in a mission makes you feel burnt out before you even get started. In addition to that repetitive soundclips, even when you get the rare chance to play as a television character on a story mission, they as well have recorded the same annoying dialogue clips during the levels.

Admittedly, there are moments where the game does indeed get exciting, especially when you are facing off against huge threats. High-level skills feel great to deliver but ultimately take long to recharge. Differently from XCOM, some skills are class specific such as "Overhead" where you watch for enemies in cover and automatically fire upon movement. It's hard to tell whether or not this is a good change, considering strategy has to be altered and it could theoretically improve difficulty, but the game is so blatantly easy that in the long run it doesn't matter. The levels in the game definitely feel long as you plan out how to go about it, but when you easy buy upgrades by going on a lot of recon missions, your weapons and gear make you near-invinicble in some stages of the game. 

Unfortunately, there's ultimately no way to call this a great game. The word decent may suffice, but the Falling Skies license deserves better than this and the horrendously laughable season 4. This game is a great XCOM mod for those who are a cult follower of Falling Skies, but the forty dollar price tag is an abysmal joke. This game definitely needed a lot longer development time and polish as it lacks in almost all of the important areas -- Gameplay, Graphics and Sound -- and delivers next-to-nothing of originality. If you're looking for a cheap turn-based strategy, wait for a sale on XCOM Enemy Unknown instead. 


First WWE 2K15 Gameplay Trailer Blows Minds; PC Confirmed?

Revealing a large number of content and in-game footage, 2K Sports has finally started their marketing binge on WWE 2K15 by releasing the first bulk of 100% in-game footage. Expect more to come by November 18th, but the game is already off to a huge start by putting fans all over the work in utter shock. You also get your first look at Crow Sting at the end of the trailer.  Addtionally, the game may have been revealed for PC during the WWE Network stream of the WWE 2K15 Roster Reveal panel from SummerSlam weekend, showcasing Xbox 360, XBox One and PCDVD boxart.



Review: Telltale's The Walking Dead Season 2 Finale


"I'm just so sick of this shit" 

or something similar is uttered by the character Mike in the episode, which sums up my feelings on all of Season 2. Specifically the penulimate episode where it ended on a climatic and out-of-nowhere standoff with a random death of one of the only characters you could get emotionally attached to. And with the finale, it opens on the exact same moment except our survivors are now spread out and under patches of cover that were not visible in the previous episode. And it is in this gunfight where all of our survivors miracuously survive, because with all Walking Dead media, deaths must be shocking, over the top and unpredictable. Coincidentally, Telltale perfects that with this episode. Every death is unexpected because it's random with little-to-no buildup except the suspensful final ten minutes of the episode.

To start, the best part of the episode and the only one that made me almost-cry was a flashback to a (unseen) portion of season 1 with Lee. Clementine wakes up from a dream and sees Lee on the RV during a time that Duck was bit and this scene showed how young, adorable and amazing Clementine used to be. This is the character I loved and the character that I tried to raise right in Season 1. A little girl, lost and abandoned in this dark, dark world and the only guiding light was Lee, portrayed by, well, me. That was my main motivation in Season 1 - to see that Clementine survives. No matter what. And as Lee, I fulfilled that promise the best I can. But with Season 2, Clementine's only motivation is what...staying alive? The reason behind why I'm playing as Clementine was always so unclear to me. Not to mention the fact that almost none of the characters take this little girl seriously is frustrating, because in the end your choices almost mean nothing. It's completely boring. If Telltale had balls, Clementine would've died from Arvo's gunshot and the scene with Lee would've been her gateway into heaven. Although, you can't kill a little girl in a video game or Tumblr will go apeshit! Has this game even touched on sensistive tumblr subjects such as rape?

Sure, there are a multitude of endings but they're all cliffhangers that don't add to the story. Unless Telltale plans on developing dozens upon dozens of different games in one episode to satisfy these endings for Season 3, they will probably have some sort of start that ties into all the different ending in this episode. But the best thing they can do is scrap Clementine's joke of a story and just start with a new group and tie more into the comics. You know what I'd like to see more of? Lily. I'd like to see her rise to power in Woodbury and how she ended up killing The Governor. Stuff like that. It's all loose plotlines left behind from the first season. 

Hell, what this episode specializes in is hanging plot lines that leave the player guessing or plotlines from earlier in the season that were never resolved. What happened to Christa? How did Kenny dispose of Mike, Bonnie and Arvo? Stuff like that. The Wellington ending only gives you a hint. The thing is, I really thought this season to remake the magic that the first had. Lee was an exceptional character and playing as him felt like an honor and when he died, it felt like I died too. Playing as Clementine didn't feel right, it felt like a cheap tactic. Why is it that Telltale wants to tell me that a little girl is the only who makes it through this apocalypse unscathed, when someone like Luke who always carries a gun on his back cannot?

Speaking of Luke, I will admit the character development in this episode was really well-done. You learn a lot about almost all of the characters except Arvo, whose sort of like a background character and just there to make a rift between the characters. Kenny goes full apeshit by this point and we learn a bit more about Jane and how she survives in the world. Overall, that was the only satisfactory part of it. The campfire scene with the rum bottle was exceptional. Unfortunately, Luke's tension with Kenny is never fully realized as he falls through an ice river, which I do not believe is the end of him. Luke could potentially be the "Kenny" of SEason 3 and miraculously come back from an almost-certain death.

In summary, I don't completely despise this episode but I do not believe this season is worth the money. I would completely understand if Telltale stopped giving me review season passes for their games due to this negative review, but I just wanted to be honest. And to add to that, I'm just so sick of The Walking Dead as a franchise. I use to be a completely huge fan of it but it's horrendously saturated and beyond milked at this point. I want Telltale to use more of the comic canon and start fresh with a new group of survivors, although I know that'll never happen.

Final words: If Game of Thrones and Tales of The Borderlands share the same team as The Wolf Among Us, those will be A+ series.


The Viper Strikes In New "WWE 2K15" Screenshots

2KGames and IGN have released the first look at "The Viper" Randy Orton in WWE 2K15, out this October. One of the screenshots feature Randy Orton in his signature pose while the other is a duplicate of the John Cena screenshot released on Cena's twitter. The screenshots are deemed "Work In Progress" by 2K as you can see audience members are horribly looking or just non-existent in some areas. The 2K Sports Roster Reveal will be at a (seemingly) closed-doors SummerSlam panel in two weeks, and the game will be playable at GamesCom as well. One has to wonder when an official gameplay trailer will be released. For now, check out these screenshots!