When news was initially released of a potential Y:The Last Man film, the thought of having this story play out in live-action had me thinking skeptically. This is one complete story spanning an entire 60 issue run; not something like other DC and Marvel properties with years of history and an almost unlimited amount of tales to tap into. Surely this would have to be broken into 3 or possibly even 4 movies, and should the first film fail then there is little hope to continue the story on screen.
Nothing has been set in stone just yet but D.J. Caruso has been mentioning his prior involvement with the project and sheds a little light on the direction he is hoping it takes:
"It's still in active development at New Line," the filmmaker said. "I'm still kind of loosely attached."
"We've taken about four cracks at the screenplay," he explained. "It's been a really tough one, only because there's so much that you cover and trying to narrow it down [is a problem]."
"My problem that I have with New Line [is], they're good people, but I felt you had to make this film as a trilogy," he said. "[I felt] that you really had to deal with books one through four on their own. And I think there was a different philosophy there. They really wanted to cover a lot more ground [in one film], which I didn't think would make a great movie. I thought you'd be cramming too much into one movie."
I really hope he stays involved with the project in some way, to oversee the direction of the film and give input to stay true to the characters and story while grabbing general audiences and not compromising what is already a great product. It seems like he has a good grasp of the way it should play out and realizes it would only hurt the story by trying to fit the entire thing into one film.
Shia LaBeouf was attached to play the main character Yorick Brown, who is the last living mammal, other than his pet monkey Ampersand, that possesses a Y chromosome. I was never excited when LaBeouf's name was mentioned for the lead, but who's to know if he wouldn't own the character.
I'll raise my glass and hope they get this one into production without a digitally rendered Ampersand in toe.