New Terminator Movie Has Its Director - You Can Go Back to Not Caring, Kids

Last time I checked my calendar didn't say 1991. So the continued (and insisted) relevancy of the Terminator franchise perplexes me. At that point in time, James Cameron used the long-awaited sequel Terminator 2: Judgment Day as his "Get Out of Director Jail Free" card after the OK-to-Meh performance of The Abyss and Arnold Schwarzenegger, having already been an action icon to men but more importantly won over women thanks to his Ivan Reitman comedies (Showing his sensitivity amid the allegations, even back then, of his impropriety) and his stint as chairman to President Bush's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports, was at the peak of his popularity. It all built up to that moment. Or as my partner Peter says, the time when every kid in America had a Terminator poster hanging up on their wall.
It had its time in the sun. Just try telling that to every new producer who laps up the rights and says to themselves and investors, "This time, we'll make Terminator cool again!" And they never do. The latest is producer-extraordinaire Megan Ellison, probably thinking this can be her commercial nut to ensure she can continue financing more auteur-driven projects. I get that. But again, isn’t she smart enough to know many others have been where she is right now and failed?
They've set a date for June 26, 2015 and may or may not get Schwarzenegger back. That whole thing is murky including if this is a reboot or a continuation of the Cameron/ Jonathan Mostow/McG continuity. But Variety says hey they have a director. Rest assured, kids. The trades say Alan Taylor, the Game of Thrones alum who was fired-then-maybe-rehired-question mark on Thor: The Dark World (depending on who you believe) is onboard.
I am past the point of even giving a shit (positive or negative) about Terminator. It's so far gone; it will be an uphill climb to regain goodwill from the public back. So many issues at hand, this is a lost cause if I've ever seen one. Remember when Terminator: Salvation was going to be the franchise's savior? How did that work out? Let it go, Megan.
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