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    Parkland Trailer is a Bland Recreation of a National Tragedy

    The assassination of President John F. Kennedy changed everything as we know it. Politics, war, the presidency itself. In the 50 years since the tragedy, it has revisited from every possible angle in all formats. If one is going to go back to that period onscreen (a subject matter I myself am fascinated by), bring something new to the table.

    That doesn't appear to be the case with Parkland, the drama from first-time helmer Peter Landesman, producer Tom Hanks and a cast featuring Zac Efron, Colin Hanks, Paul Giamatti, Marcia Gay Harden, Ron Livingston, Billy Bob Thornton and Jackie Weaver. It looks like a movie-of-the-week. For such a history-changing event, everything feels small.

    Source: Yahoo! Movies

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