Sony Staying in the Neill Blomkamp Business

Unless overseas grosses save its ass, Elysium won't be a win for Sony. Not exactly a black eye, it's more like the financial equivalent of scraping your leg and slapping some alcohol and band-aid over it. Sony is still going to ride the bike undeterred, for now.
The studio announced this afternoon it will re-collaborate with Media Rights Capital on Neil Blomkamp’s next film Chappie. It's not new news to say Sharlto Copley stars once again for his director-pal Blomkamp. But in the wake of Elysium and one of its key faults being a less-than-compelling, let alone relatable one, lead, it's encouraging he knows the Lucky Charm he has in his District 9 star (who also played the villain in Elysium).
Additionally the existence of this project isn't a new development. Blomkamp let it be known for awhile this was next. Everything else about it was wishy-washy but now we know. It’s about a robot (voiced by Copley) implanted with A.I. and then stolen local hoods up to no good.
Don't be that person who says Blomkamp "is done" just because you didn't like Elysium. I didn't care for it either (Hard to follow-up a masterwork like District 9) but its his second film. Cut the guy some slack. It might be a failure but at least it's interesting and discussion-worthy. He is still a voice I want to hear onscreen.
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