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    Remember That Stock-Exchange Guy Who Bane Fucked Up? Yeah, He's In The Expendables 3

    The Expendables 3 isn't all about Sylvester Stallone and Bruce Willis arguing like an old couple who hasn't done it since the Johnson Administration. It can be an opportunity for a fresh-faced pup still new to the fast-and-not-so-friendly-world of showbiz to break out.

    Glen Powell, whose career highlight so far was Bane treating like his face like Gallagher treats watermelons in The Dark Knight Rises, has joined the cast. Guessing he takes the place of the dearly-departed (onscreen, at least) Liam Hemsworth as the Token Not-Old-Guy. He'll play a "highly trained combat veteran who is also an expert hacker and drone pilot."

    Source: The Hollywood Reporter

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