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    Vin Diesel Says Vin Diesel Is In Guardians of the Galaxy

    You know how most actors (and filmmakers, executives, studio heads an--oh to Hell with it, everyone in showbiz) hire help whose job ranges from getting them Taco Bell at 3:00 A.M., walking the dog or, when it matters, stop them from making an ass out themselves in public? Vin Diesel needs one whose job exclusively involves them stopping him from posting stuff online.

    He's been tooting his own horn about participating in the Marvel Cinematic Universe for the last several months. Posting pictures of himself next to Vision and telling fans at Comic-Con that big news was coming at D23. All the while, Kevin Feige & Co. kept their mouths shut (For negotiation purposes? Because it was bullshit? Who knows?) Cut to this weekend and nothing of note happened at D23, besides the non-presence of Star Wars: Episode VII.

    Well, Diesel is at it again. He's posted a picture of Groot, the giant tree-like alien from James Gunn's Guardians of the Galaxy who only says, "I am Groot!" on his Facebook page.

    Ermahgerd! Vin Diesel is voicing Groot?!?! Sorry, but after how he blew smoke up our asses earlier, I'm not taking him at his word. Quickly thereafter, "TOLDJA" jumped on the bandwagon saying that yes he is in talks for the role. While reputable (understatement, I realize), they have had a tendency of being all "Oh yeah... We knew that the whole time! We just didn't wanna say! *Sticks tongue out*"

    So again, I'm iffy on this. Still waiting to hear from Marvel or director Gunn before I take this to heart. No offense, Vin.

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