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    Big Daddy Has a Case of the Bad Mondays

    His choices are generally pretty bad and he's unapologetically taking them for the money (What with his debts; so extreme he owned a castle, prompting me and my partner-in-crime Peter to joke about the fake children’s show Nicolas Cage's Castle) but you know what? Nicolas Cage brings it.

    I've never seen him phone it in. Then again, I've also never sat through all the films he's said "Yes" to. But when I do, it's always fun to see how extreme he will go each time out. Movie Hole reports the latest production paying the bills for Cage is, appropriately named, Bad Monday. He'll play a down-on-his-luck schmuck who finds a duffel bag full of drug money and cocaine and needless to say... the owners of that cartel (involved with a drug deal gone array) are looking for it. Things get ugly.

    Production is expected to get underway pretty soon. Cage has shot quite a few pictures down here in New Orleans. So he's always welcome here (Quite the nice chap). No director is set though Nicholas Meyer (Yes, that Wrath of Khan-directing, Shakespeare-quoting Nicholas Meyer!) is said to be in contention.

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