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    Trailer for A Thousand Kisses Deep

    Now here is a clever, li'l concept. What if you witnessed your own death, unbeknownst to you at first, and had the chance to prevent it? That is the driving force the new time-travel thriller A Thousand Kisses Deep. It hits DVD and Digital on August 6.

    But in the meantime, here's the trailer:

    "Returning home from work, Mia (Jodie Whittaker) witnesses an aged woman leap from a window.  Scattered around the old woman’s broken, lifeless body Mia discovers shredded pieces from a beloved photograph of herself and her former lover Ludwig (Dougray Scott). Highly unnerved, Mia begs Max (David Warner), the buildings’ all knowing custodian, to let her into the deceased woman's flat.  While inside this strangely familiar place, Mia recognizes the contents as her own. Confused and disturbed by what lies before her, she bolts back and forth in time where she is forced to realize it was her very own life that ended before her.  Now, the only way to safeguard her future is to go back to her past and confront the man she loves deeply but dreads most."

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