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    RUMOR MILL: Leonardo DiCaprio Up For ROBOTECH?


    Well I guess at this point he's like "If I can't get that Oscar, fuck it, I'll do giant robot movies" 

    From the same Latino Review article we got the Star Wars Episode VII news from, apparently Leo DiGatsbyo passed on nerd shit like Star Wars so he could do nerd shit like... ROBOTECH...?

    As I mentioned before Leonardo DiCaprio was up for a role in Star Wars but passed.  He passed because he wants to do a project that is being developed and that project is…


    Based on the sprawling sci-fi epic, “Robotech” takes place at a time when Earth has developed giant robots from the technology on an alien spacecraft that crashed on a South Pacific isle. Mankind is forced to use the technology to fend off three successive waves of alien invasions. The first invasion concerns a battle with a race of giant warriors who seek to retrieve their flagship’s energy source known as “protoculture,” and the planet’s survival ends up in the hands of two young pilots.

    With Pacific Rim having all the ingredients of a mega-blockbuster, it kind of did poorly in the good ol' USA; but with a star like Leonardo DiCaprio, who's recently gotten big again with the upcoming The Wolf of Wall-Street and The Great Gatsby, which was a surprising money maker for WB, I think people would watch something that is both rich in a GOOD story, with an A-Lister like Caprio. 

    I've never played the games or watched the anime; but the suits look cool and who knows, maybe THIS is what it'll finally take to make mecha-films a big deal. 

    Keep in mind though, this is all just RUMOR and NOTHING is confirmed. Latino Review has broken a few "scoops" this year, none of which have turned out true; so take this with a grain of salt. 

    ComicBook Movie had some insight on the project's on/off again history:

    Back in January, newcomer Nic Mathieu was hired by Warner Bros. to direct the picture so it appears that development on the film is highly active. Back in 2007, actor Tobey Maguire, at the height of his "Spider-Man" fame tried to get a live-action Robotech film off the ground but it sputtered and flamed out before it could take off. British television writer and novelist Tom Rob Smith (Child 44) was the last person on a long list of writer to take a shot at the script. 

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