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    « Weekend Box Office: July 19-21 | Main | A Reaction to Yesterday's Announcement that 'Man of Steel 2' Will Feature Batman »

    Initial Thoughts on the Man of Steel Sequel and Why It Will All Be Fine (Probably)

    Let’s get something out of the way, I love Batman and always have.

    Since I was a kid, and my grandfather introduced me to the 60’s TV show with Adam West, I have followed the ups and downs of The Dark Knight’s career on the screen.  Superman is my #1 guy but Batman is a strong #2.  Growing up, I used to dream about seeing a Chris Reeve and Michael Keaton team-up and agonize over which character I most wanted to be for Halloween that year.

    Yesterday’s news that Batman will indeed be in the sequel to Man of Steel sent shockwaves through social media  At first, I was so excited I could barely form a sentence.  The idea of my two favorite characters in pop culture in one film?  It’s the stuff geek dreams are made of.  This was to be my Avengers, something I’ve wanted to see since I was old enough to read my first comic book.  Why then, am I not overcome with excitement?

    I’m sure part of the reason is because these characters have been such a part of my life for so long.  The idea of trying to rush something that so many have wanted to see done right on screen for so long is reason to worry.  At the same time, I wonder, who am I to say which way is the right way?  These characters have existed way before me and will continue on way after me.  When all is said and done, I have no say.  I can only hope that I enjoy what the filmmakers set out to do.  And, if I don’t life will go on. That said, I still worry.

    It’s no secret that I loved Man of Steel.  It’s a version of Superman I’ve waited a long time to see.  As a fan of the Last Son of Krypton first and foremost, my biggest concern is that he will get shortchanged in his own sequel, or made to look inferior to Batman.  Many share this same fear, as silly as it may be.  Look, we know next to nothing about the direction the sequel is taking.  We know the bare minimum.  It’s easy to sit here and “what if” this thing to death, and I’m guilty of it, but all the concerns are born out of fear and assumptions.  Just because Zack Snyder chose to highlight a line from The Dark Knight Returns comic in the reveal doesn’t automatically mean that any part of that arc will be used in the movie.  I believe Superman fans know this deep down, it’s just that we have become so accustomed to Supes getting the shaft for a while now that many automatically assume the worst.

    There have been seven Batman films during my lifetime, where there have only been three Superman films counting Man of Steel.  I think that’s where our inferiority complex comes from.  I wanted Superman to have his own series to rival what Chris Nolan did with the Dark Knight Trilogy.  Maybe that would have been possible years ago, but not in today’s world where the competition has beat DC and Warners to the punch in almost every possible way.  Like it or not, the game changed in 2008 when Marvel Studios released the first Iron Man and DC has been struggling to replicate their success since.

    As a fan of both characters, I also have to keep in mind that these movies aren’t marketed to me anymore.  I’m 30 and considered on the older end of most demographics.  I still have trouble dealing with this fact, but it is what it is.  Whether or not I, or most of the people reading this, think it’s necessary, DC and WB will do whatever they can to keep their properties relevant to people much younger than me.  That said, I truly do believe that a team-up in the Superman sequel was WB’s plan all along.  There is just way too much money to be made for it to have been a rash decision.

    Sure, there’s a chance that this could be a colossal misfire and tarnish much of the good will Warners gained with the Nolan series and Man of Steel.  That could happen, but what if it doesn’t?  What if it’s everything eight year old me wanted to see?  Well, besides Reeve and Keaton.

    That second scenario is just as probable as the first at this period in time so I advise everyone to take a step back and breathe.  I understand how much these characters mean to so many.  I realize that they may have been among the first things to have opened your eyes to the greatness of cinema.  But, let’s try to have faith shall we?  People have been clamoring for a united DC universe on film for as long as I can remember and this is a HUGE step towards that.  Don’t let the negativity and assumptions of others take the fun out of this ride.  I’m not as excited today as I was yesterday, but who knows how I’ll feel tomorrow?  It’s an exciting time to be a DC fan,  and this golden age of comic book films won’t last forever.

    Enjoy it.

    Reader Comments (2)

    Great post, I agree with most of it. But dont you feel that this is Warner saying that they dont beleive in Superman anymore?? that they dont think that a sequel by himself will be successfull?? That he needs the bat ( that proved successfull once) to make that sequel work??. I like the idea as you, but I also got that feeling from the presentation, like if they gave up on Superman "lets use the bat, lets play it safe".

    07-22-2013 | Unregistered CommenterMatute Vip

    There's a part of me that wonders if WB really believes in Superman solo. But, at the end of the day, MoS has made over 600 million dollars. How can that possibly be viewed as a disappointment? I really believe this was the plan since day one. WB has wanted to get Batman involved as soon as possible and I think it's because of the success of MoS, that they are going this direction, not in spite of it.

    Thanks for the comment, love hearing from you.

    07-22-2013 | Unregistered CommenterAdam Davis

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