A Reaction to Yesterday's Announcement that 'Man of Steel 2' Will Feature Batman

I cited the title of this article to specifically feature Man of Steel 2 because I think that's the one fact many are overlooking:
This is not Batman vs Superman or Superman vs Batman or World's Finest. This is a sequel to Man of Steel that will feature Batman. Just like the sequel to Batman Begins featured the Joker.
What does this all mean exactly? Well, let's look at the facts of what we KNOW then we can get into what we think we MIGHT know.
First off, every main cast member from Man of Steel that was living by the end of the film will be back as their respective characters including, Henry Cavill (Kal-El/Clark Kent/Superman), Amy Adams (Lois Lane), Diane Lane (Martha Kent) , and Lawrence Fishburne (Perry White).
Secondly, the main crew behind MOS will be returning as well, though some will be in a somewhat different capacity.
Director Zack Snyder will be back at the helm along with co-writing the story this time, while writer David S. Goyer will be penning the screenplay just as before. Christopher Nolan, on the other hand, will be merely executive producing this time (along with his wife, Emma Thomas) instead of co-writing the story and full-on producing the pic. Producers Charles Roven and Deborah Snyder (Zack's wife) will be back in the same capacity as well.
Thirdly, the film is expected to begin production next year with an anticipated release date of summer 2015 (they'll complete pre-production by the end of this year).
Finally - and most importantly - Batman has NOT been cast yet.
Now that we've covered what we do know, let's discuss what we don't.
- Christian Bale will be back as Batman.
Possibly, but unlikely. The dude has sworn up and down he's finished with the character, and even though I'm sure they offered him a ton of cash, I find it hard to believe he'll go against Christopher Nolan's wishes and somehow mar The Dark Knight Trilogy.
- Man of Steel 2 will be similar to the graphic novel, The Dark Knight Returns
No clue in regards to this. Yes, Zack Snyder used this famous quote from the graphic novel to make the announcement:
"I want you to remember, Clark. In all the years to come. In all your most private moments. I want you to remember my hand at your throat. I want you to remember the one man who beat you."
However, he stated later on they won't be using this story exactly (thought it's pretty safe to assume Batman at some point in the film will discover Kryptonite and use it to kick Superman's ass).
- Lex Luthor will be in the film
While this hasn't been officially confirmed either, I think this is more of a sure bet then say, Bale coming back as Batman. Lex Luthor is a fixture in the Superman universe and I'd be pretty shocked if he isn't in the MOS follow-up considering Lex Corp logos were plastered all over the first film.
So yeah, this pretty much sums up the facts and theories of yesterday's big announcement that we will finally be getting Batman and Superman on screen together. I'll leave you too with my guess on who will be playing Bruce Wayne/Batman in the new film:
That's right, Jake Gyllenhaal. He was David Goyer's first choice and runner-up for Batman Begins (fact), he's got that Oscar pedegree Warner Bros. loves and he's a great f*cking actor.
Stay tuned.
Reader Comments (1)
Damn, Jake Gyllenhaal might be an excellent choice. He could easily pull off that lighter side of Batman. He's a charmer, he can throw in some one-liners, crack some darker jokes, be serious and frightening too, yeah, he'd be great for the role.