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    Set Pics of Gareth Edward's GODZILLA. SPOILERS: Japanese People Run from Godzilla

    Godzilla-Movies has gotten some set pictures from YVRShoots that show us what is sure to be some haunting imagery or a potent scene in the movie, if Gareth Edward's bring his air from Monsters into the film.

    Godzilla crew remade Steveston's Japanese Cultural Centre/Martial Arts Centre into the JanJira International School for filming on Wednesday, adding fake pink cherry blossoms to the east side of the trees outside and parking a prop Japanese school bus and giant blue screen on the west side where the camera would focus. Dozens of child extras dressed in school uniforms practiced running out of the centre into the bus or towards Moncton Street. And had fun doing it. It's not clear where the monster is in this scene because it's unlikely they would run towards it.

    The king of all monsters gets a reboot with this Warner Bros./Legendary Pictures production helmed by Gareth Edwards, who gained critical attention with his intimate twist on the giant-creature genre with his feature-film debut, Monsters. Frank Darabont (The Mist) and Max Borenstein provide the script

    A giant radioactive monster called Godzilla awakens from eons of sleep and attacks a city.

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