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    Michael B. Jordan Might Be Your Human-Torch in FANTASTIC FOUR

    Word from The Wrap reports that Michael B. Jordan is being tossed around to star as Johnny Storm AKA The Human Torch in Josh Trank's Fantastic Four reboot. 

    "Chronicle" star Michael B. Jordan is in contention to play The Human Torch in Josh Trank's "Fantastic Four" reboot due in 2015, which would give the African-American actor a rare role as a superhero in a big studio franchise, numerous individuals familiar with the project have told The Wrap.

    The Human Torch, also known as Johnny Storm, was white in the Marvel comic, and the wise-cracking character was previously played by Chris Evans in the original 2005 version and its 2007 sequel.

    Twentieth Century Fox declined to comment on the record, but numerous individuals close to the studio and the actor have told The Wrap that "Chronicle" director Trank is considering a reunion with Jordan, whose feature career has soared since his breakout turns on TV in "The Wire" and "Friday Night Lights." 

    This would be Jordan's second time working with Trank, as the two were involved in 2012's Chronicle together.

    This all, however, relies on Jordan's chemistry involving the other actors, which "officially" there are none aside from a rumored Allison Williams of HBO's "Girls".

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