It's a Bird! It's a Plane! It's Another Crappy Man of Steel Poster!

The Man of Steel trailers kicked such dubious amounts of ass even Will Smith ran away in fear. That tells how much other studios are even muttering, "Don't go near that!"
Why can't the marketing team do a better job with posters? We got "Man Boob of Steel" and the eleven-billionth reminder Superman wears handcuffs in another one-sheet. Here's the latest from Yahoo! Movies, taken from the afore-mentioned recent trailer of Supes flying and looking hot and bothered and photo-shopped over a blurry Metropolis.
Reader Comments (3)
Dubious? I really think you meant to say copious there. Unless you're trying to say you don't think those trailers kicked ass?
What about capacious?
Who doesn't love a capacious ass?