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    Hope You Wanted That POINT BREAK Remake

    Word today from Deadline  is that the remake of the 1991 Kathryn Bigelow film Point Break has picked up it's director, Ericson Core:

    Ericson Core, the cinematographer who made his feature directorial debut onInvincible, has been set by Alcon Entertainment partners Broderick Johnson and Andrew Kosove to direct Point Break, the remake of the 1991 action thriller that starred Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze. Shooting begins at year’s end and Alcon will release through its Warner Bros output deal.

    Word of the remake first popped up in 2011 when Alcon secured the rights to film as well as video-game and TV rights.

    From Alcon:

    “The new version is set in the world of international extreme sports, and like the original involves an undercover FBI agent infiltrating a criminal ring,”

    No word on casting yet; but that will probably be in the coming months.

    Kosove and Johnson will produce with Michael DeLucaJohn Baldecchi, Chris Taylor and Kurt Wimmer (Salt, Equilibriumand last year's remake Total Recall) who is also tapped to write the script . 

    I think the remake has potential. It's not like Point Break is an undisputed master-piece. 2001's Rob Cohen picture The Fast and the Furious told the same story and almost to a better extent, so we'll see.

    It'll be interesting to see who fills the shoes of Keanu Reeves and Patrick Swayze, though. 

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