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    You're Also Getting This Prequel to THE SHINING

    What a great week it's been for remaking things, and it's only Thursday!

    Since the new fad seems to be prequels or "re-imagined" prequels of classic horror films and characters (Dracula, Bates Motel, Hannibal) Warner Brothers decided to give you guys a prequel to the acclaimed Stanley Kubrick adaption of Stephen King's The Shining. 

    Deadline reports that "The Walking Dead" show-runner Glen Mazzara will be writing The Overlook Hotel a prequel to The Shining.

    Mazzara will be working with producers Laeta Kalogridis (writer and producer of Shutter Island), James Vanderbilt (The Amazing Spider-Man, Zodiac, Robocop 2014) and Bradley Fischer (producer of Robocop 2014, Shutter Island, and Zodiac)

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