TASM Stunt-Double Shows Off Old Spidey Suit in TASM2

Earlier today, Spider-Man News brought to public light that stunt-double and skateboarder William Spencer instagramed a picture of him in the costume from The Amazing Spider-Man while filming it's sequel, due out next summer.
Spencer also confirmed via tweet that this was indeed for The Amazing Spider-Man 2 and not just a left-over picture for shits and giggles. This does much to quell fears that TASM 2 would just shove in the new (and some would argue improved) costume.
I, for one, always loved the 2012 costume; but the new one seems like it's the best of both worlds, of course many theories as to why Peter needs a new suit have been sprung up, mainly landing on the fact his old duds probably get trashed by Electro or Rhino.
My guess its we'll find out by the time a teaser trailer rolls around (which will hopefully be later this summer).
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