Ryan Reynolds Doesn't Care About Your Goddamned Justice League Movie

Being an actor primarily involved in geek fare, how long till you start tiring of the same pointless questions with the "Duh" answers? This excerpt from Ryan Reynolds' Empire chat tells the tale.
Until his dying breath, or those Christopher Nolan-producing rumors get confirmed or debunked, he'll have to field questions on Justice League since he remains the de-facto representation of Green Lantern despite his solo entry tanking and prospects of his continuing are nonexistent:
"'If you're going to do comic book movies in that vein, you really have to get them right,' says Reynolds. 'I believe that Joss Whedon is the guy that just nails it and Christopher Nolan obviously nails it. So if they were gonna do it like that, it would be an interesting thing to do.'
'It's just that... working on Green Lantern, I saw how difficult it is to make that concept palatable, and how confused it all can be when you don't really know exactly where you're going with it or you don't really know how to access that world properly - that world comic book fans have been accessing for decades and falling in love with,' he adds. 'So at this point I have very little interest in joining that kind of world. But, you know, a great script and a good director can always turn that around.'"
That, kids, is the sound of a man who doesn't give a shit. Also one who sees the writing on the wall (His Green Lantern contract reportedly expired... with no renewal) and tires of you asking him the same questions. Leave him alone. Move on.
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