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    The New Robocop Trailer is Not Bad!

    The Robocop do-over still has that "Uh, why?" apprehension. Unless it matches the perfection of the 1987 film, it's never going to shake that. But I keep going back to one thing. Everything following the originating Paul Verhoeven masterwork was garbage. They took something intended as a one-and-done and turned it into a franchise with little idea of what made it work.

    It helps that the new trailer is good. Everything about Samuel L. Jackson feels too... much. His character is supposed to be a right-winger in the vein of Limbaugh; so I'm assuming he will turn out to be evil, knowing the filmmakers' politics. The polished, black suit still hasn't completely won me over. Something feels awkward about Joel Kinnaman sitting on a desk bullshitting with partner-in-crime Michael Williams (It probably works within context).

    But you have to hand it to them. They are slowly getting us to accept this.

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