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    New "Fast & Furious 7" Images Remind Us Dwayne Johnson Is Massive

    Most everybody I know has Twitter. From the four-year-old genius in the making tooling on his mother's pink iPhone 5c to the entire blue haired bingo team at Shady Pines, Twitter is everywhere. Not many people have a Twitter account like Dwayne Johson though. Almost 6 Million Followers and he's following nobody, not any of his famous actor friends, not even the President. So when Johjnson tweets, people are retweeting.

    The powers that be behind Fast & Furious 7 are taking advantage of "The Behemoth Formerly Known As The Rock's" high profile Twitter status just like Hercules before it. See the photos below as Johnson hints at a return of his character Hobbs and an epic battle between himself and Jason Statham.

    “I didn’t bring the cavalry.. I AM the cavalry” – #HobbsTheBeast #FastAndFurious7 Call action…

    Olympic Gold medalist, UFC/WWE Champs & lunatics – I’ve fought ‘em all. This was fun. #FastAndFurious #RockVsStatham


    Reader Comments (1)

    How any producer looks at that first image and doesn't see where they should take the new Terminator series is beyond me.

    11-20-2013 | Unregistered CommenterJo

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