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    Go Home, Hollywood, You're Drunk - It's a Wonderful Life Getting a Sequel

    Ten years ago, my old man and I were channel-surfing when we caught Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory; a childhood favorite for many including the Williams household. I leaned over and remarked, "You know they’re remaking that?" The words straight from his mouth, "NO, not every movie needs to be remade, you know."

    One imagines my father, and fathers elsewhere, might suffer cardiac arrest at this headline from Variety. A sequel to It's a Wonderful Life is in the works. The Frank Capra/Jimmy Stewart Christmas classic everyone watches on NBC the first Saturday night of every December - one of the few films to quickly disappear from theaters but slowly become a national treasure that touched the hearts of the public, not seen since The Shawshank Redemption. Yes, for no logical reason, besides its IP value, it will exist.

    Producers Bob Farnsworth and Allen J. Schwalb are interviewing with directors to tell the story of George Bailey, the grandson of Stewart's kind-hearted, but troubled, everyman shown how the world would be a better place if he wasn't born. An idea we should all laugh at since it's been done before as an homage to the Capra film, including a Beavis & Butthead Christmas special.

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