Disney Eying Rocketeer Reboot

One of the great, underrated commercial gems (Translation: box-office failures) is due for its moment in the sun again.
Vulture reports a top priority of newly-anointed King of Disney Alan Horn is a reboot of Joe Johnston's 1991 retro-superhero adventure The Rocketeer. The studio will soon hear out pitches for various screenwriters. My psychic powers indicate my pal, and Movie Moan Mastermind, Phil Gee is already worrying at the notion of Ted Elliott and Terry Rossio within 100 yards of such meetings.
As a little kid, pesky things like "box-office" and "critically acclaimed" bared no meaning. Give me what appeals to my interests and at that time as a seven year-old among those were Star Wars, Batman and Indiana Jones. That alone made me love The Rocketeer as a lad. Revisiting it as an adult, you appreciate the "old-school" serialized nature (arguably more than Raiders of the Lost Ark, the film it was aping) and lighter-hearted tone. Everything was clearly defined, and that was half the charm. Billy Campbell was good, Timothy Dalton was bad and Paul Sorvino didn't work for no two-bit Nazi.
While not every property requires the "reboot" option (Some things should be left alone), The Rocketeer is right for one!
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