Red Dawn Trailer

No matter the nationality of the baddies (In a deliciously racist move, the studio changed the villains from Chinese to North Korean thinking few would notice the difference - a sadly accurate fact), the Red Dawn remake is finally coming. It's not from MGM anymore. Film District is putting it out and in a "We know this is garbage" sign relegating it to Thanksgiving weekend.
Yahoo! Movies has the trailer. Fair to say, there's a reason this rotted on a shelf for two years, outside of MGM's fiscal woes.
Reader Comments (1)
I was pretty down on this movie ever being made in the first place, because the original is still so good! After watching this trailer I know the movie will let me down, but for some reason I still want to see it. I am a big action movie fan, and maybe just maybe this movie can strike a cord on one leval. It looks like a fun action movie from the 80's or 90's. I know the characters won't be as likable as they were in the original, and I won't feel as bad when they die but for some reason I still enjoyed the trailer enough to get me to the movies. HMMM I'm puzzled..