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    « World War Z Needs Rewrites - This Looks Like a Job For...Damon Lindelof!? | Main | First Look at Idris Elba in Pacific Rim »

    Stephen King's It Set to Scare New Generation on the Big Screen

    Stephen King's It scared the crap out of us as little kids when Tommy Lee Wallace adapted it as a two-part made-for-TV mini-series back in 1990. Of course, what frightens you as a child doesn't always hold up when you grow up (Used to have a fear of frogs after watching Frogs, from AIP starring Sam Elliott - if nothing else for that old VHS cover-art of a dead hand hanging from that green toad's mouth!)

    Haven't watched It in years but the common remarks from those who have are, "That wasn't as scary as I remember!" A big-screen update's been cooking at a slow-burn in the kitchen for years now. Per Heat Vision, Warner Brothers has tapped Cary Fukunaga (of the most recent Jane Eyre) to direct and co-author with Chase Palmer.

    Thankfully, don't expect them to castrate the story to fit within the parameters of a two-hour narrative. The plan, echoing their approach on the ill-fated Akira, is to split into two films. So fans of the book, and mini-series, can sigh a breath of relief.

    Now on to more pressing matters, most important who do you cast as Pennywise after Tim Curry scared many of us for life?

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