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    "Man Of Steel" Marketing Prepares For Take Off

    It hasn't really been a secret that the Man Of Steel teaser would be debuting in front of The Dark Knight Rises on July 20th, although never really confirmed. The forums and websites have been speculating on this pretty much since the release date for Man Of Steel was officially revealed. Now we might have some news that comes close to a confirmation courtesy of a magazine I've never heard via their Facebook page... FB Weekly's Facebook Page

    I'll be honest, I have no idea what FB Weekly is or how accurate this information is, but it's interesting nonetheless. The statement is below, the above photo was also on the page in anticipation of the teaser. I must confess I did some surgery on the photo though, it originally had Justin Bieber on the cover of FB Magazine to the left and read Kneel Before Bieber. I have no idea what Superman has to do with Bieber unless he is secretly Jimmy Olsen, but you can see the original if you click the link provided above.

    The most important part of the below is that we should expect stills in movie magazines and via the interwebs in the next couple days. IF, this is true. IF.

    Warner Bros. will begin promoting its Zack Snyder-directed Superman reboot ‘Man of Steel,’ in a few days (a whole year before it’s June 14, 2013 release date). The studio had a similar strategy with ‘The Dark Knight Rises’. The teaser trailer for that film debuted July 18, 2011, almost a year to the day of its July 20, 2012 scheduled release date. The ‘Man of Steel’ teaser trailer is set to debut on or before July 20 (When The Dark Knight Rises arrives) with official movie stills to appear in movie magazines and online in the next few days!

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