Robocop Remake to Embarrass Sony in February 2014 Instead of August 2013

Set pictures can help as much as hurt. More often than naught, it's the latter. Exhibit A: the Robocop remake. Sony earned good will by following the formula that worked in 1986 for the original. Hire an outside-the-system, acclaimed non-American director and a cast that reads great on paper. Everything to follow Verhoeven's '87 masterpiece failing to live up to its greatness is another benefactor. How much worse can an update be when you have all those terrible sequels, TV shows, cartoons and mini-series?
Amazing as it is to imagine from those awful script reviews and set pictures that could happen. It would explain Sony's decision to shift the release date from August 9, 2013 to February 7, 2014. Taking its post is Neill Blomkamp's Elysium, which hasn't felt heat from its set-pieces; opposite reaction in fact to a bleeding, bald Matt Damon running around outside Vancouver.
Does this extra time allow the Robocop filmmakers to stop the bleed (AKA: reshoots) or are they trying to postpone the inevitable?
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