Dark Knight Rises Blu-Ray Commercial; Jonah Nolan Plays Dumb on Hard-to-Misinterpret Ending

$1.075 billion box-office and generally positive reception, it's time for The Dark Knight Rises to squeeze the last ounce of dollar from the wallet – the home-video release perfectly timed for Christmas. Here's a trailer for the Blu-Ray:
This shopper can, and will, wait. I'll grab the DVD set for my two year-old Batman-crazy nephew. Warner Brothers already claimed ground for a second Dark Knight Trilogy Blu-Ray set for next year. The same set that generated those "Extended Cut" rumors. Never bought into that one, but rumor-mill says Christopher Nolan might buckle down to record commentary tracks. Only way I can imagine WB justifying playing us fans like whores with a second set, months after the first.
Meanwhile, the question of the ending was posed to co-writer (and li'l brother of helmer Nolan) Jonah by IGN Movies. Specifically if Alfred seeing Bruce and Selina was real.
The seeds planted by the brothers Nolan, and common sense, leaves an answer impossible to refute. Bruce is alive. For some unexplainable reason there are those who insist Alfred hallucinated seeing his surrogate son and his advisory-turned-lover/wife. We're not talking about the legit ambiguity of Nolan's Inception, Total Recall or Blade Runner.
That logic aside, Nolan ain't yapping either way. He points to experiences on Memento. Guess I can't blame him. He doesn't want to tell those people they're idiots. Being vague sells more copies, even if its staring you in the face like it did Michael Caine in those closing moments.
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