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    Fox To Adapt Asimov's 'The Caves of Steel'

    I liked i, Robot but apparently the hardcore sci fi fans did not, and now another one of Asimov's books is being adapted for the big screen by Fox according to the toldya. This will be directed by Henry Hobson and written by John Scott. The duo are currently working on their first film called 'Maggie', so Fox are not going for experience on this.

    The film is set around 3,000 years in the future and below is a synopsis from Amazon.

    The first of Asimov's robot novels, chronicling the unlikely partnership between a New York City detective and a humanoid robot who must learn to work together. Detective Elijah Baley invesitgates the murder of an offworlder in Spacetown. In the opinion of the Spacers, the murder is tied up with recent attempts to sabotage the Spacer-sponsored project of converting Earth to an integrated human/robot society on the model of the Outer Worlds. To search for the killer in the City's vast caves of steel, Elijah is assigned a Spacer partner named R. Daneel. That's Robot Daneel. And notwithstanding the celebrated Three Laws of Robotics, which should make such a murder impossible, R. Daneel is soon Elijah's prime suspect.

    I have to say this sounds great to me as I love this type of sci fi, and given how far into the future it is set we should see some fantastic new technology, however it seems a large undertaking for two guys who are yet to release a movie.

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