Oh Look Another Muppets Trailer Lampooning Someone Else's Movie

The joke didn't fly over our heads the first time you did it or the second time either. We get it, fellas. You're lampooning big releases in your own Muppet way. The latest comes in the form a trailer riffing David Fincher's The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.
If this was the first one, I won't lie. I'd probably like it. But Jesus, people, The Muppets opens in two months and you're still stuck on "Look, we're making fun of new movies...but with Muppets!" instead of a straight-forward trailer to sell to the masses?
Like my fellow nerds online, I too am looking forward to The Muppets. But I'm pretty certain the general public (who will make this flick a success or failure and not us - unfortunately) don't find this as amusing as you do.
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