Cute & Charming Trailer for The Muppets Hits

Much to my surprise and chagrin, Disney attached the trailer for The Muppets in front of Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides this weekend. When I first saw Jason Segel and new Lois Lane Amy Adams onscreen with that Disney logo, I laughed, "Hey! It’s the Muppets!" and nobody reacted.
To be fair, it does pull a fast one on you playing like a dime-a-dozen romantic comedy. Until Kermit the Frog shows up. But even after the trailer is over my audience sat there blankly. Yet they clapped like retarded seals during the umpteenth time Captain Jack Sparrow gave a funny look during the surprisingly-not-so-shit Pirates fourquel.
Morons, but I digress. Here's the trailer for your viewing pleasure:
Reader Comments (1)
it is a very cute trailer. Love the play off the muppets in the first half of it.