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    Because Noone Asked For It: Another Carrie Remake

    Brian De Palma and Lawrence Cohen took Carrie (Stephen King's first novel, which as much as I've tried and as big a fan I am of his work, is not a good read) and made a great movie back in 1976.

    Twelve years later, some schmucks thought the same material would work as a Broadway musical and its failure became the stuff of legend. In the late 90s in the midst of the post-Scream horror craze, some other schmucks took an unrelated script, slapped Carrie 2 on the title and even paid Amy Irving a couple of bucks (because her alimony from Steven Spielberg clearly wasn't enough?) to reprise her role from De Palma's film. Then even more schmucks at NBC (Not surprising in retrospect given that network in the last few years) did their own version where she actually lives at the end.

    But in this day and age of reboots, remakes, re-whatevers, with brand-name properties, yet another set of schmucks (MGM and Screen Gems) think they can out-do the '76 film with their own version and have commissioned Roberto Aguirre-Sacasa (whose work ranges from comics to Big Love to that seemingly-doomed Spider-Man Broadway play) to write, says "TOLDJA."

    I fully expect more crap given the history of Carrie that we've just gone over, kids. Needless to say, the buck stops at the De Palma film.

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