Scientific Officials Have Confirmed Vin Diesel Is A Robot

Vin Diesel can't spend all his time doing just The Fast & the Furious movies. Although he'd keep raking in the dough and people would actually go see those.
No, that'd be the smart thing to do. Instead he's trying to expand himself and according to "TOLDJA," looking for another franchise to start-up, then refuse to do the second installment over money and ego in favor of another damn Riddick movie and then come crawling back ten years later after a series of flops.
In what will be their first production since their return from near-oblivion, MGM and Diesel are teaming up for the sci-fi action/comedy The Machine. The one they call Vin will play a "human-like machine" that gets its plug pulled by the U.S. government (Knowing them, it probably didn't work to begin with!), buried and then discovered and reactivated by a little kid twenty years later. So of course, the li'l tyke and the Vin Diesel-like robot bond and they protects him and his family when the G-men come back looking for him.
You know if Diesel is that Hell-bent on turning into Arnold Schwarzenegger, he should do a comedy where he gets pregnant thanks to the wonders of modern-science (and Danny De Vito!) Or perhaps Vin Diesel: Let's Get Silly? I would also assume his proposed involvement in Terminator 5 (via Movie Hole) didn't pan out?
Reader Comments (2)
What's with the sudden string of political references on here lately? Love the site for it's topics, not such a big fan at the jabs at liberals every other day.
I'm no doubt in the minority but I was always disappointed that Riddick never saw a conclusion.... Pitch Black was brilliant IMO and while not as good and quite different to the original, Chronicles of Riddick was pretty cool and fun to watch also.